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I wish there were a "like" button
« on: August 21, 2020, 12:14:49 PM »
Ran et al, is there any way to get that? It would be nice to show appreciation for a thoughtful post without cluttering up the thread.

David Ober

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2020, 12:24:16 PM »
Was just thinking that the other day...


Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2020, 12:30:03 PM »
I agree.  Like or +1, Up, Down vote, etc.  Typing is sometimes too much trouble when you are goofing off at work. :-\
Jeff Brauer, ASGCA Director of Outreach

Jaeger Kovich

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2020, 01:15:25 PM »
Funny, Jack Dorsey is hoping to remove the Like button because it hinders more discussion.

John Kavanaugh

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2020, 01:27:11 PM »
Hate the like button.

Tommy Williamsen

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2020, 01:44:58 PM »
Hate the like button.

Think you'd get many?
Where there is no love, put love; there you will find love.
St. John of the Cross

"Deep within your soul-space is a magnificent cathedral where you are sweet beyond telling." Rumi


Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2020, 02:00:32 PM »
Hate the like button.

I agree with you. Not a good fit for GCA IMO.

Overall, I think the quality of discussion is very good. We just don’t need that social media influence.
Tim Weiman

John Kavanaugh

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2020, 02:22:33 PM »
Hate the like button.

Think you'd get many?

Yes and that is part of the problem. I’m like the King of likes. I eventually like people back and then they like me more. With each like our opinions converge until we end up saying the exact same thing. Just more of me to like. There is enough me already.

Buck Wolter

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2020, 03:36:58 PM »
Hate the like button.

Think you'd get many?

Yes and that is part of the problem. I’m like the King of likes. I eventually like people back and then they like me more. With each like our opinions converge until we end up saying the exact same thing. Just more of me to like. There is enough me already.
Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience -- CS Lewis

Joe Bausch

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2020, 06:10:07 PM »
@jwbausch (for new photo albums)
The site for the Cobb's Creek project:
Nearly all Delaware Valley golf courses in photo albums: Bausch Collection

Tim Leahy

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2020, 08:28:34 PM »
What is the Karma thing under the posters name?
I love golf, the fightin irish, and beautiful women depending on the season and availability.

Jim Hoak

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2020, 09:30:51 PM »
I don't have an opinion on the Like Button, but I've been wondering for the longest time what that Karma thing is.  Glad it's been asked!!
Every other poster on this thread is +0/-0--except for me and I am +1/-0.  Is that good or bad for me?  I almost hate to ask.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 10:12:21 PM by Jim Hoak »


Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2020, 01:57:31 AM »
Have thought this for quite some time.

But from past experience, a down vote button is not a good idea, unless you want to really liven up the forum.

John Crowley

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2020, 08:30:35 AM »
Hate the like button.

That is a Facebook thing, right?
I don’t do Facebook.
And the “like” is one of several reasons I don’t.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 08:32:54 AM by John Crowley »

Colin Macqueen

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2020, 10:01:14 AM »

I could be wrong but from memory The Karma +0/- button/icon came into being when an update of the GCA platform was initiated by Ran.  It seemed to me that it was an addition which mimicked a similar button that used to be present on the Max's Lounge platform. On Max's Lounge it was not so much a like/not like indication of a thread more a public acknowledgement of kudos to that individual.
Cheers Colin.
P.S. No like here for a like button!
"Golf, thou art a gentle sprite, I owe thee much"
The Hielander

David Ober

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2020, 08:44:05 PM »
Bringing this back up. We need a like button here.

In the "real world" of mass social media, I hate it, but here? In a cloistered group of fanatics? I think it's just what the doctor ordered.

Think knights 'round a table hammering their mugs o' ale on the table when something worthy is mentioned....

Peter Pallotta

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2020, 09:06:33 PM »
Bringing this back up. We need a like button here.

In the "real world" of mass social media, I hate it, but here? In a cloistered group of fanatics? I think it's just what the doctor ordered.

Think knights 'round a table hammering their mugs o' ale on the table when something worthy is mentioned....
Or maybe think 1500 rating panelists. 10 ‘likes’ make the post a 10 on the GCA-Scale, a truly great post with no weak or poorly expressed sentiments and with unique ideas/concepts that can’t be found in any other post. Really good posts would get 7 or 8 or 9 ‘likes’ etc, and of course a post with 0 likes is probably one that should never have been written.
For my sake, I sure hope you guys have no bias against ‘template posts’ — cause that’s the only kind I write, over and over again regardless of the thread/setting/context.

Forrest Richardson

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2020, 10:25:59 PM »
Just watch this and re-think your request:

— Forrest Richardson, Golf Course Architect/ASGCA

David Ober

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2020, 10:34:33 PM »
Just watch this and re-think your request:

I've seen it. Doesn't really apply in a closed group, IMHO.


Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2020, 11:55:54 PM »
Just watch this and re-think your request:

Still on board. I can think of a couple folks here who could use some reconditioning anyway.

Steve Lapper

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2020, 05:36:21 AM »
How about we ask Ran for "Participation Medals" instead? ::)
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking."--John Kenneth Galbraith

John Kavanaugh

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #21 on: October 30, 2020, 07:54:00 AM »
I'm trying to understand what has motivated Mark Fine to start a series of oddly themed threads. A like button would only make them worse.


Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #22 on: October 30, 2020, 08:16:42 AM »
Thanks John  :)   I will take that as another compliment  ;)   We rehash the same stuff on here over and over (when you have been on this site as long as I have I guess you see that). We have new participants so that is fine but most of the early participants have tired of it, get weary of the sucking up, and left but I have stuck around for the most part because sometimes there are still a few new and interesting topics.  No post will please everyone and my idea of a good one is to create thoughtful and civil debate.  Maybe we should all only start posts that we know will get all likes and everyone will agree on  ???

Mark Fedeli

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2020, 10:50:06 AM »
Thanks John  :)   I will take that as another compliment  ;)   We rehash the same stuff on here over and over (when you have been on this site as long as I have I guess you see that). We have new participants so that is fine but most of the early participants have tired of it, get weary of the sucking up, and left but I have stuck around for the most part because sometimes there are still a few new and interesting topics.  No post will please everyone and my idea of a good one is to create thoughtful and civil debate.  Maybe we should all only start posts that we know will get all likes and everyone will agree on  ???

Do you think there is a lot of participation among newer members? I've been here about 7 years, and at least in that time, it seems like the majority of posting is done by the same small-ish group of people now as then. Of course, if they are the ones putting in the work, that's fine, but there's also a good deal of clubbiness about it, where one person's posts will always get multiple replies while another's, even if it's similar in content, doesn't much get noticed. Perhaps that's because a lot of the newer people haven't met the older people in person. That in-person familiarity seems to be a big part of it.

This does have something to do with social media. I've become much closer with people on golf Twitter, much more quickly, than I've become close with anyone here. Identities are basically hidden here. There are no profiles, no way of knowing who anyone is or what their likes are outside of what they post. That creates a coldness, and a distance, and perhaps a reluctance for newer posters to join the fray. I'm not sure it's fair to expect newer posters to "earn" their attention either, when, as I said above, some people can toss off any leftover of a thought and get guaranteed engagement.

I've spent some time recently thinking about this subject and why golf architecture Twitter sometimes seems more fruitful for me. It probably isn't a like button, but it does have something to do with demystifying who everyone is. The ease of sharing media doesn't hurt either.
South Jersey to Brooklyn. @marrrkfedeli

David Ober

Re: I wish there were a "like" button
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2020, 10:53:51 AM »
Thanks John  :)   I will take that as another compliment  ;)   We rehash the same stuff on here over and over (when you have been on this site as long as I have I guess you see that). We have new participants so that is fine but most of the early participants have tired of it, get weary of the sucking up, and left but I have stuck around for the most part because sometimes there are still a few new and interesting topics.  No post will please everyone and my idea of a good one is to create thoughtful and civil debate.  Maybe we should all only start posts that we know will get all likes and everyone will agree on  ???

Do you think there is a lot of participation among newer members? I've been here about 7 years, and at least in that time, it seems like the majority of posting is done by the same small-ish group of people now as then. Of course, if they are the ones putting in the work, that's fine, but there's also a good deal of clubbiness about it, where one person's posts will always get multiple replies while another's, even if it's similar in content, doesn't much get noticed. Perhaps that's because a lot of the newer people haven't met the older people in person. That in-person familiarity seems to be a big part of it.

This does have something to do with social media. I've become much closer with people on golf Twitter, much more quickly, than I've become close with anyone here. Identities are basically hidden here. There are no profiles, no way of knowing who anyone is or what their likes are outside of what they post. That creates a coldness, and a distance, and perhaps a reluctance for newer posters to join the fray. I'm not sure it's fair to expect newer posters to "earn" their attention either, when, as I said above, some people can toss off any leftover of a thought and get guaranteed engagement.

I've spent some time recently thinking about this subject and why golf architecture Twitter sometimes seems more fruitful for me. It probably isn't a like button, but it does have something to do with demystifying who everyone is. The ease of sharing media doesn't hurt either.

