We've had three events this competition delayed season
a 98 player member-guest (tee times)
a 88 player member-member
and a ladies member-guest
Haven't had one problem or even a comment, so I'd say the world handicap system is a smashing success.
As far as the joke being on me, I thought he was referring to Garland's pro.(that was how I read it)
Sorry for not being offended?
But to be fair, I have no idea of "the purpose of a course rating" nor care to.(never got to the world handicap system seminars, having spent much of the winter fretting about and attending caddie/independant contractor seminars and the consequences of recent Long Island caddie lawsuits-alas, the pandemic kind've made both issues secondary.)
i do know how to properly apply a handicap, and know that the old system would very often convert a certain index to the same handicap or one shot different whether they played the member tees at 6300 yards or the whites at 5600, which is why I did what many pros do, and deduct two or even three shots from the player moving up 700 yards.
It's good to be Commissioner, but now the World handicap system seems to be more appropriate nad accurately adjust for different tees in events.
That said, it all cracks me up when 98% of the world can't count(or has "the caddie keep score"), plays preferred lies, drops laterally with only one shot, plays gimmes, hits mulligans etc. It's all incredibly arbitrary anyway-but, I will say the world handicap sytem has gone smoother than expected.
I don't know how to code either

(whatever that is)
and haven't rang up a sale on a point of sale system since 1991 when I left Long Cove-my assistants find a lot of sticky notes