I was involved in a 6 hour round at my home club in temps approaching 100. My usual group was short one for a foursome, so the pro shop asked if we would let this young man join us. The young man proceeded to adopt every tour pro, time consuming behavior he had ever seen. Even though one of our group is a bit slow for my tastes, we usually get around in 4 hours. This clown slowed us to a crawl, and it took us 6 hours. One of our group still carried his bag. The next Saturday he showed up with a pushcart. Carrying for 6 hours in 100 degree heat broke the "camels" back and he has been using the pushcart ever since.
The other long round of note was my first round at Pacific Dunes in 5 hours 20. A resort person kept coming around and asking if we would like him to tell the group in front of us to let us through. This made no sense, as we would simply be waiting on the group in front of them. We could see all the groups were backed up. The only thing I could figure was they knew my name, and figured I would be writing about it.