The previous threads reminded me of the Peter, Paul and Mary concert from the 1960s recently on PBS. The same unhappiness and protestation about fairness, social justice, love, war, peace, etc. 50+ years ago as we regularly see on TV today.
It has been said that while we have experienced unimaginable, accelerated technological progress in many areas over the last several decades, human nature has not changed much. I happen to believe that we are making significant strides, albeit at a comparatively slow rate, but perhaps not enough to suit our expectations and patience.
It does appear that some progress has been made vis-a-vis push/pull carts, though it is unlikely that their use will be universal. In places with large elevation changes, big sites, and thin air (e.g. Park City), they are often impractical.
Fortunately, for the most part, there are enough choices in many U.S. markets to satisfy our personal preferences. At my course, once C-19 protocols are no longer in place, instead of using my own ClicGear, I will be required to rent the club's for $10/round or go back to carrying my clubs; not optimal perhaps, but not the end of the world either.