Hello Everyone,
My name is Nathan Perry and I am the Head Professional at Aurora Country Club in the west burbs of Chicago. I have been employed at ACC for 8 years and have been a long time lurker of the site. I consider myself a bit of an architecture dork but haven't posted much at all on here in fear of getting tarred and feathered for saying something at all controversial... That being said, I would love any info I can get on ACC and understand that most anyone on this site has a much better understanding than anyone within our membership;)
-We had a clubhouse fire in the 50's that ruined all historical files..
-Our members attach themselves to the Bendelow name, (Medinah 3...eye roll...), but i feel he had little influence.
-There is also an understanding that Langford collaborated with Bendelow here. I see much more Langford influence looking at online aerial photos prior to the 60s. (Bold green side features still present today, while watered down a touch)
-As with most Chicagoland clubs, board members of yesteryear decided that a surplus of encroaching trees would be the best defense at par and a dork like me wasn't here at the time to convince them otherwise. While we have made great strides in re widening playing corridors, I am asking for your help as a take a dive into the history of our course and need some ammo as to why this process should continue.
-I have had the pleasure and opportunity to experience some truly great courses in the country and while I understand ACC will never be in the upper echelon of Chicagoland courses, I feel it's quite good and underappreciated, and I'd like for my board to understand the diamond in the rough that they posses.
-I am a bit unsure of how to uncover the classic history of a private entity, while most of it was turned to ash decades ago. Any info you made be able to uncover, or any direction you can lead me towards to find out for myself would be greatly appreciated.
If any of you are interested in seeing the property for yourself and/or getting a round in, please don't hesitate to reach out. I may have not been able to convince my board to restore what they have, yet, but I still have some pull around here:)
Thank you to everyone for aiding in the greater good of a game we are all so clearly obsessed with.