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V. Kmetz

WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« on: May 07, 2020, 03:28:58 AM »
From high atop Mount Moses in Hat City comes... well, this YouTube Playlist.

I know real sophisticates put up some Spotify/I Tunes playlist, but that's not the cut of my jib.  I still make Luddite mixes and DJ them onto CDS and do jewel cases with marker lettering and Wacky Package stickers and ephmera; and send them to friends or hand them out at parties, sometimes at random to the person next to me pumping gas, if they have a friendly look.  Yes, I am 52 years old, going on 14,

Tonight's diversion?

"Artists and/or Songs You (Prolly) Never Heard Before, That You Will Be Happy to Know Now" featuring the niche, the local, the unexpected... renown artists in other contexts; or brief flare bands lost in holding down jobs as cabbies and soda jerks that made amazing unheralded contributions."

Levels vary...I suggest a system volume of 62.5% and earphones:
You know this artist from his score for The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, but this atmospheric number is from his soundtrack for a 1968-9 Italian movie about young suburban sophisticates with a dirty secret that rears its ugly head some seasons later.
The classic NYC bar band of the 1970s, a fine regional "working band" who showed consistent writing and playing chops usually meriting more profound, arena-success...
The actual solo guy behind the BJM, Anton Newcombe, is his own worst enemy in terms of why you never heard this groovy song, his music or his act.  In the 1990's, he was the arch "l'infant'terrible" of the indie set, among many good choices for that honor.
Perhaps our Brits and Euros will quickly recognize The Divine Comedy, but this cheeky, stylish ditty blew through America too quickly for much memory. I think my imaginative writer's quill would say this tune is like Burt Bacharach listening to early Kinks with hashish flavorings.
I encountered this tune for the first time Saturday night/Sunday morning watching a Season 2 Peter Gunn episode where the song was featured as Gunn is shaking down a beaten witness in a basement nightclub.  How did I not know about this haunting Billie Holliday-esque tune before this...of course it was Henry Mancini.
Though they had buzz upon their first single and EP, this tune was the demo that allowed to make them to make their first LP, Murmur, which really launched it all.  Recorded in an NLE dinky Charlotte studio that was primarily for gospel and televangelists, they reached a peak which they equaled several times in the next 30 years, but never exceeded.  But I'll wager you never heard it.
We talk about golf courses being set in their natural spots and features.  Isn't this so naturally "of it's time"?  A little known band called The Free Design. If you like, try the also evocative "Kites are Fun"
I wish I could provide the shorter radio cut of this song, but as compensation I will give you... the finest drummer known to humankind, Brian Viglione, warming up for a tour some years ago, playing to a recording of the song, "Modern Moonlight,"...which I'm betting you never heard.  Isn't this guy insane on the skins?
Of course, we've all heard this song but never like this... I mean are you watching/hearing this?  She's doing almost all of the constituent parts! This is maybe one of the most singular performers I've ever taken in (and I have seen some crazy shit in my time)...She is a Ukrainian one-time concert pianist of repute who lives and works through performance, but also by transcribing and arranging (usually) metal/arena rock songs for individuals (for you if you want) on line.
So... I had to put the two of them performing together...doing a Megadeath Iceland.  If the 2:40-3:40 mark doesn't give you a little bit of cognitive reverie and talent chills, I'm sorry I put you through this. By the way this  IS NOT the girl who plays with Viglone in the Dresden Dolls...that's ANOTHER piano playing female.  (Check out "Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" cover from this same video set).
I can't explain this finale to you in just this post...if you've come this far you'll either give it a chance or you won't.  If you're fidgety about a 32 minute song (actually two songs sandwiched and jammed around one another)...then I would try advancing directly:
  • the 2:00 minute mark
  • the 7:00 minute mark
  • the 13:00 minute mark
I was there this glorious night in the Roseland Ballroom December 29, 2001.  I foolishly allowed some fellow concert-goer to put a dropper hit of liquid "something" in the set break and my eyes were pinwheels during the peak(s) of this sequence.

We now return you to your lives, as we return to ours.

(((((((signing off))))))))

"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -

V. Kmetz

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2020, 06:53:51 PM »
"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -

C. Sturges

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2020, 10:56:06 PM »
Thanks for posting!   Looking forward to your next installment. 

Jeff Loh

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2020, 12:52:41 PM »
Great list VK!!
Got a buddy on this site who has been with the Bridgeport college radio station for MANY years. Hopefully he chimes in!
What was the B side to Radio Free Europe?
And who said "F**K Radio Ethiopia this is Radio Brooklyn."? ;)

V. Kmetz

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2020, 01:11:28 PM »
I have the original Hib-Tone 45 of "Radio Free Europe" from 1981

The B-side was "Sitting Still" a different cut of which appears on Track 8 of 1983's Murmur (from which "Pilgrimage" was excerpted in List 1

I often listen to that station (WPKN I believe).

Didn't Joey Ramone/the Ramones say that?
"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -

Jeff Loh

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2020, 02:30:13 PM »
But no cigar ;D
Lou Reed "Take no Prisoners" live at the Bottom Line 78.
Said to a very irritating fan who wouldn't keep quiet.
Ramones were Queens boys...
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 02:32:22 PM by Jeff Loh »

Cob Carlson

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2020, 04:38:34 PM »
Brian Viglione a virtuoso drummer.

WPKN best radio station on the planet...

V. Kmetz

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2020, 04:46:45 PM »
But no cigar ;D
Lou Reed "Take no Prisoners" live at the Bottom Line 78.
Said to a very irritating fan who wouldn't keep quiet.
Ramones were Queens boys...

A trivial, disconnected irony from this is that REM were massive fans of Reed, The Velvet Underground and the entirety of the NYC 70s scene...their B-sides and concert performances of "Femme Fatale," "Pale Blue Eyes" and "There She Goes Again" are some fun marks from their early years.
"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -

V. Kmetz

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2020, 10:52:32 AM »
Brian Viglione a virtuoso drummer.

WPKN best radio station on the planet...

1. Yes

2. I feel blessed to have had my FM music education along the 75 miles line from Danbury CT, through Bridgeport and across Long Island sound to Riverhead and in the broadcasts circles of WXCI, WPKN and some years back, WLIR.

With these three stalwarts of alternative music from the earliest days of what used to be called "College Radio" I have never had to wander very far to be plugged into a diverse world.

"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -

Cob Carlson

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2020, 03:46:40 PM »
V.K.: There are many fun connections and intersections between the music world and the golf world...

Regarding your affinity for WLIR, if you haven't already, check this film out

and have a peek at the first trailer for my new documentary film on WPKN (unfortunately the work on it temporarily on ice cuz of COVID)

Chris aficionado that you are...time for you to weigh in

V. Kmetz

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2020, 02:19:26 PM »

Regarding your affinity for WLIR, if you haven't already, check this film out

and have a peek at the first trailer for my new documentary film on WPKN (unfortunately the work on it temporarily on ice cuz of COVID)

CC, I realize I never sent the intended reply... those features are like talkign to the middle of my head.  Two special, special stations... the balkanization of radio is just one of those signs of a gone world, but in the early 80s, these stations were like a secret oasis that blew your mind.  Even though I enjoy the ol AOR-million megawatt program lists, in those days there was no other way besides these boutique stations to get the whole monty...euro/brit-pop, post punk, new wave, reggae, zappa, new bands, new sounds, deep cover on classic material, feature shows... early MTV did good too, but was culturally destroyed by Thriller, a few short years into its life.

Good luck and success on that WPKN feature; if there's any impossible way I could contribute, let me know PM-styley here... I'm in Danbury.

***this is so pleasing, I may launch another YouTube playlist.... stay tuned...

Chris aficionado that you are...time for you to weigh in
"The tee shot must first be hit straight and long between a vast bunker on the left which whispers 'slice' in the player's ear, and a wilderness on the right which induces a hurried hook." -

Bernie Bell

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2020, 02:57:12 PM »
New book just out in case you haven't seen.

Chris Buie

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2020, 09:18:31 PM »
Chris aficionado that you are...time for you to weigh in

I'll weigh in by saying there's a GCA poster who PRODUCED STEVIE WONDER.
If they want to talk about it, they'll talk about it. If not, that's cool too.

John Kirk

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2020, 03:37:52 PM »

and have a peek at the first trailer for my new documentary film on WPKN (unfortunately the work on it temporarily on ice cuz of COVID)

This looks great, Cob
A piece of trivia you might not have noticed.  When the one disk jockey says ,"We should enjoy's later than we think,"  that was a sly reference to an old popular song by Guy Lombardo, the Canadian bandleader most famous for his rendition of "Auld Lang Syne".
If you knew that, never mind.

Lots of thoughts I could share.  I'm always struck by the regional nature of musical interest.  The 3,000 miles makes a big difference in musical tastes, not to mention the difference in age.  I would guess V. Kmetz is about 10-15 years younger than me by reading (and listening to a couple of) his choices.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 03:48:54 PM by John Kirk »

Cob Carlson

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2020, 04:11:57 PM »
Thanks for the encouragement John. I did not know about the Guy Lombardo story. That particular programmer is a retired major label exec. from NYC, and a serious music historian who undoubtedly knew the phrase. And he is a golfer to boot.

John Kirk

Re: WVPK - Radio Danbury 1
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2020, 07:50:32 PM »
V. Kmetz,

I spoke too soon.  Disregard the first comment, to an extent.  I've noticed that Californians have their own complement of musicians, and the west coast style is a bit different.  I really enjoy listening to other people's choices.

So now I'm listening to a few of the videos.  The Free Design remind me a bit of Os Mutantes.  Things were happier then.  I like the Iceland video with the drummer and pianist duet.  I also like the Lola Albright song, but have trouble seeing categorizing it as "eccentric", as it is described on the YouTube description.  It sounds like fifties cool to me.

Anyway, thanks again, a fun diversion. 
