I think you would agree, that golfer/caddie relationship is the same all over at many home clubs. Those of us lucky enough to have a caddie program have our favorites and we know those caddies are hurting not getting any loops. I don't know what it will be like going forward but it will have to come down to testing otherwise you are rolling the dice that one or both of you might have or be able to pass on the virus. Some people don't care because they are young and/or think they will be fine if they get it. But that is the big problem. They have to realize they might not develop symptoms and/or can pass it on to someone else who might not be in the same risk profile. A caddie by definition can't practice social distancing with their golfer. They have to be passing clubs, balls, towels, ...back and forth constantly. I just don't know
I wasn't trying to differentiate Bandon from private clubs with caddie programs. If anything all I was saying is that for a resort/public course, it is truly special that these types of relationships develop.
It is those kind of relationships that might help to dull the future effect on caddying. I've received a great number of messages from guests who are indicating they are committed to taking caddies when they return. I hope we will be in a place where I can go out and carry a bag free of any concerns for their safety.
There are practices that can be put in place to make the player/caddie relationship safer. There is a core group of caddies out here who are committed to working with the resort to make sure we have done all we can before we reopen to adapt to our changed world.
Hope this helps clarify what I was trying to say above,