I just spent a month ski in Summit County, and Eagle County, CO. My daughter, who works for the U of MI, visited us for a week. When she returned home she received an email from the U asking that anyone who spent time in Summit and Eagle Counties please self quarantine for two weeks. There were a number of cases in those two counties.
I have decided, not to act as though I might get the virus, but to act as though I might be a carrier. That means good hygiene, keeping my distance from folks, and only going out when necessary. I view the world through rose-colored glasses and generally do not worry about much. Yet when we flew back from CO I worried. If I am affected how might I keep other travelers safe? What can I do to limit their exposure to me? I couldn't find any masks in stores to wear. My clubs are open and I will just walk and limit play. I think if we all act as though we do not want to infect someone else we can lessen the impact of this dreadful disease.