Nice listing by JCU. Be good educationally to see some expansion of each point.
As to bunkers, be careful what you desire.
These days bunkers are more about appearance and contrast to the eye with the seeming desire for them to be ever more photogenically striking. And competition, keeping up with the Jones’ etc, on social media, not just course-vrs-course but also Super/CM-vrs-Super/CM, appears to be moving this trend ever forward, although not necessarily in a good way.
There’s a tremendous amount of maintenance crew time spent in relation to bunkers. Not just periodic repairs/renovations but tasks like keeping the faces, sides and tops irrigated so the grass in areas of regular sand splash and wear don’t appear scruffy and in need of care but instead looks lush and green. And cutting tight to the front edge might look nice and mean bunkers play ‘bigger’ than their actual footprint size but on parkland courses in particular with at times strong grass growth such an appearance needs time consuming mower time, often by hand mower/strimmer, and time costs money and as costs go up so do subscriptions and green fees ......
It would be interesting to know what proportion of a maintenance crews time is spent both directly and indirectly in relation to bunkers. I believe it would be a significant proportion although obviously dependent on things like the number of bunkers, the type of course, seasonal aspects etc etc.