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John Kavanaugh

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #125 on: December 21, 2019, 08:52:18 AM »
If you want to have a bit of fun check out this auction and the items previously sold by this individual. Personally it think it would be cool to buy this bag and carry it ironically to a GCA event.

David Wuthrich

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #126 on: December 23, 2019, 09:28:57 AM »
Collecting items from top courses is one thing.  Personal thing.

Selling them on ebay for a profit is a TOTALLY different animal...


Chuck Glowacki

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #127 on: December 23, 2019, 03:19:25 PM »
Do you carry a Chicago Golf Club golf bag? Before this thread carrying a golf bag from a club where you are not a member was the most egregious example of Stolen Valor that I had seen. Somehow, somewhere this kids friend of a friend thought you were a member of a club where you are not. It happens to me from time to time and is always interesting to find out why.

Would someone seriously carry a bag with a logo of a club to which they didn’t belong?

John Kavanaugh

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2019, 03:32:01 PM »
Out of a concern for my own Stolen Valor by continuing to sport a Prairie Dunes putter cover I have decided instead to offend half the World’s population by purchasing a Scotty “Why Soy Serious” putter shield. 2020 will be an interesting year. 

David Wuthrich

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2019, 03:47:52 PM »
Scotty Cameron WHY SOY SERIOUS Mid Mallet Headcover Gallery only NOOB  MINT!!

John Kavanaugh

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2019, 03:50:46 PM »

Tim Martin

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #131 on: December 23, 2019, 04:23:31 PM »
Out of a concern for my own Stolen Valor by continuing to sport a Prairie Dunes putter cover I have decided instead to offend half the World’s population by purchasing a Scotty “Why Soy Serious” putter shield. 2020 will be an interesting year.

Him-“Hey guy that’s a sweet putter cover. Are you a member at Prairie Dunes?”

You-“I used to be.”

You needed to move on. Well played.

John Kavanaugh

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #132 on: December 23, 2019, 04:50:45 PM »
After a lifetime of my haberdasher being the members of various member/guest committees I am at a loss on what to do with my wardrobe.  I can think of nothing less than to quit taking my golf shirts to the dry cleaner and letting nature take its course. On a side note my dry cleaner did burn down a couple of years back and sent me a check for $1750. I hope that doesn't cost me my amateur status.

Tim Martin

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #133 on: December 23, 2019, 05:24:53 PM »
After a lifetime of my haberdasher being the members of various member/guest committees I am at a loss on what to do with my wardrobe.  I can think of nothing less than to quit taking my golf shirts to the dry cleaner and letting nature take its course. On a side note my dry cleaner did burn down a couple of years back and sent me a check for $1750. I hope that doesn't cost me my amateur status.



Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #134 on: December 23, 2019, 09:36:07 PM »

for people with an interest in g.c.a. shouldn't it be "stolon" valor?

Joe Hancock

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #135 on: December 23, 2019, 10:01:55 PM »

for people with an interest in g.c.a. shouldn't it be "stolon" valor?

The rhizome fall of a bad punster....
" What the hell is the point of architecture and excellence in design if a "clever" set up trumps it all?" Peter Pallotta, June 21, 2016

"People aren't picking a side of the fairway off a tee because of a randomly internally contoured green ."  jeffwarne, February 24, 2017

Scott Warren

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #136 on: December 24, 2019, 12:11:42 AM »

for people with an interest in g.c.a. shouldn't it be "stolon" valor?

You’ll be waiting a long time for John K to fall on his sward...

Kalen Braley

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #137 on: December 24, 2019, 10:58:05 AM »

for people with an interest in g.c.a. shouldn't it be "stolon" valor?

You’ll be waiting a long time for John K to fall on his sward...

I wouldn't dozer off thou...


Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #138 on: December 24, 2019, 08:56:00 PM »
For guests at exclusive clubs maybe the pro shops should only sell underwear. 
That way only the people you love (or really like) will ever get to see the logos.
You get to keep your scruples and dignity -- and if a friend of a friend ever mistakenly calls for access you'll only have yourself to blame!

There was a man who graced these pages for a short while that collected antique Rolex watches, conducted fireside chats with our leader, maintained a blog on WASP fashion and educated us all, in an Emily Post sort of manner, the ways of the dignified.  I miss him.
A joke right???
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"


Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #139 on: December 24, 2019, 09:10:58 PM »
As to the original question.  I would not have answered but if someone I have had interaction with on this site ask to play a course and others tell me the guy is ok then I have no problem setting it up.  However, if I find he called the pro shop to tell them he is a rater or a writer instead of just coming to the course and paying the fees then all bets are off.  Have had it happen a couple of times with people from this site and was not a good ending...
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"

Rob Marshall

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #140 on: December 24, 2019, 11:02:11 PM »
Had a friend write to Sandy Tatum asking to get on Cypress Point. He got a reply inviting him to play. Long story but it never worked out but I’m still amazed at Mr. Tatums invitation.

If life gives you limes, make margaritas.” Jimmy Buffett

John Kavanaugh

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #141 on: December 24, 2019, 11:30:40 PM »
For guests at exclusive clubs maybe the pro shops should only sell underwear. 
That way only the people you love (or really like) will ever get to see the logos.
You get to keep your scruples and dignity -- and if a friend of a friend ever mistakenly calls for access you'll only have yourself to blame!

There was a man who graced these pages for a short while that collected antique Rolex watches, conducted fireside chats with our leader, maintained a blog on WASP fashion and educated us all, in an Emily Post sort of manner, the ways of the dignified.  I miss him.
A joke right???

No joke. I loved the guy. Introduced me to the brand Johnny O. Member of Merion. No doubt he was chased off by the trunk slammers.

J_ Crisham

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #142 on: December 26, 2019, 09:07:55 AM »
    I had a somewhat similar/odd experience a couple of summers ago.  I received a blind PM that asked me to host at Beverly a GCAer whom I had never met nor heard of plus one of his friends. When I inquired as to how he got my name he said he was referred by someone I had previously hosted. He also wanted to play Bev on a Sunday , late morning. At this point I asked who the referring individual was at which point he then backtracked and said he had "heard" I would host fellow GCAers. At this point I just flat out passed on hosting- I thought it was a bit bold especially to expect to play on a Sunday. As an aside, The Glenview Club is far from a lower tier club in my opinion- in fact your recent restoration vastly improved the course.

Bob Montle

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #143 on: December 26, 2019, 12:44:58 PM »
I agree with your reasons for the posting.

This conversation explains why I am reluctant to invite anyone to even just join me at any course on my bi-annual trips to Scotland.
I COULD never ask to be hosted at any course, partly because I couldn't reciprocate but mostly from the fear of being inappropriate.  So I usually golf alone.   If I cannot afford the green fees I just skip that course and play the Eden instead.
"If you're the swearing type, golf will give you plenty to swear about.  If you're the type to get down on yourself, you'll have ample opportunities to get depressed.  If you like to stop and smell the roses, here's your chance.  Golf never judges; it just brings out who you are."

David Harshbarger

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #144 on: December 26, 2019, 04:11:28 PM »
I will happily host anyone on GCA at my home course, Battenkill Country Club. 

There is every reason for no one to take me up on this:
  • If you can flash $25 the person at the register will gladly let you play 18 with a cart. You don't even need to mention that you are a rater.
  • It is, at best, a Doak 2.
  • It is 9 holes.
But, the Battenkill does have a few things in its favor:
  • You better figure out the puzzle to stay below the hole on about every green; in almost every case going over is going to cost you a stroke.
  • The ball is encouraged to run: there's not enough grass on the fairways for otherwise.
  • Most tees are a short walk from the prior green: carry your clubs or push a cart it's a fine walk.
  • You can walk 18 in 3 hours, 3:15 tops.
  • There are children, high schoolers, young adults, the middle aged, men and women, seniors, you name it. Everyone is welcome and all ages partake.
  • The greens are fast, firm, and smooth.  The grass gets mowed.  And thanks to volunteer "beavers", sometimes there are flowers by the clubhouse.
  • There are always more pickups than Porsches in the gravel lot.  Shoes are changed at open trunks.
  • The most common question players ask at the end of 9: do you have time to go around again?
So if anyone is up in the capital district and wants to get in a round at a course like this, I'm happy to host!
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 04:15:21 PM by David Harshbarger »
The trouble with modern equipment and distance—and I don't see anyone pointing this out—is that it robs from the player's experience. - Mickey Wright

Tim Martin

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #145 on: December 26, 2019, 05:12:16 PM »
I will happily host anyone on GCA at my home course, Battenkill Country Club. 

There is every reason for no one to take me up on this:
  • If you can flash $25 the person at the register will gladly let you play 18 with a cart. You don't even need to mention that you are a rater.
  • It is, at best, a Doak 2.
  • It is 9 holes.
But, the Battenkill does have a few things in its favor:
  • You better figure out the puzzle to stay below the hole on about every green; in almost every case going over is going to cost you a stroke.
  • The ball is encouraged to run: there's not enough grass on the fairways for otherwise.
  • Most tees are a short walk from the prior green: carry your clubs or push a cart it's a fine walk.
  • You can walk 18 in 3 hours, 3:15 tops.
  • There are children, high schoolers, young adults, the middle aged, men and women, seniors, you name it. Everyone is welcome and all ages partake.
  • The greens are fast, firm, and smooth.  The grass gets mowed.  And thanks to volunteer "beavers", sometimes there are flowers by the clubhouse.
  • There are always more pickups than Porsches in the gravel lot.  Shoes are changed at open trunks.
  • The most common question players ask at the end of 9: do you have time to go around again?
So if anyone is up in the capital district and wants to get in a round at a course like this, I'm happy to host!

David-I’m happy to see you posting again and accept your gracious offer to play Battenkill with you and your boys. We can finally get a chance to consummate the second leg of the home and away. My only request would be a chili dog spot post golf that’s in the same class as New Way Lunch in Glens Falls. :)

David Harshbarger

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #146 on: December 26, 2019, 06:44:55 PM »
I will happily host anyone on GCA at my home course, Battenkill Country Club. 

There is every reason for no one to take me up on this:
  • If you can flash $25 the person at the register will gladly let you play 18 with a cart. You don't even need to mention that you are a rater.
  • It is, at best, a Doak 2.
  • It is 9 holes.
But, the Battenkill does have a few things in its favor:
  • You better figure out the puzzle to stay below the hole on about every green; in almost every case going over is going to cost you a stroke.
  • The ball is encouraged to run: there's not enough grass on the fairways for otherwise.
  • Most tees are a short walk from the prior green: carry your clubs or push a cart it's a fine walk.
  • You can walk 18 in 3 hours, 3:15 tops.
  • There are children, high schoolers, young adults, the middle aged, men and women, seniors, you name it. Everyone is welcome and all ages partake.
  • The greens are fast, firm, and smooth.  The grass gets mowed.  And thanks to volunteer "beavers", sometimes there are flowers by the clubhouse.
  • There are always more pickups than Porsches in the gravel lot.  Shoes are changed at open trunks.
  • The most common question players ask at the end of 9: do you have time to go around again?
So if anyone is up in the capital district and wants to get in a round at a course like this, I'm happy to host!

David-I’m happy to see you posting again and accept your gracious offer to play Battenkill with you and your boys. We can finally get a chance to consummate the second leg of the home and away. My only request would be a chili dog spot post golf that’s in the same class as New Way Lunch in Glens Falls. :)

Tim, nothing would make me happier though I'll have to do some chili dog sampling before you get here so I don't steer you wrong!  :-). One son is in college now.  He didn't make it to Yale but his college's course is rated #2 in the country (for college courses), so he's making due :-). Come spring let's do this.

The trouble with modern equipment and distance—and I don't see anyone pointing this out—is that it robs from the player's experience. - Mickey Wright

Tim Martin

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #147 on: December 26, 2019, 07:16:23 PM »
I will happily host anyone on GCA at my home course, Battenkill Country Club. 

There is every reason for no one to take me up on this:
  • If you can flash $25 the person at the register will gladly let you play 18 with a cart. You don't even need to mention that you are a rater.
  • It is, at best, a Doak 2.
  • It is 9 holes.
But, the Battenkill does have a few things in its favor:
  • You better figure out the puzzle to stay below the hole on about every green; in almost every case going over is going to cost you a stroke.
  • The ball is encouraged to run: there's not enough grass on the fairways for otherwise.
  • Most tees are a short walk from the prior green: carry your clubs or push a cart it's a fine walk.
  • You can walk 18 in 3 hours, 3:15 tops.
  • There are children, high schoolers, young adults, the middle aged, men and women, seniors, you name it. Everyone is welcome and all ages partake.
  • The greens are fast, firm, and smooth.  The grass gets mowed.  And thanks to volunteer "beavers", sometimes there are flowers by the clubhouse.
  • There are always more pickups than Porsches in the gravel lot.  Shoes are changed at open trunks.
  • The most common question players ask at the end of 9: do you have time to go around again?
So if anyone is up in the capital district and wants to get in a round at a course like this, I'm happy to host!

David-I’m happy to see you posting again and accept your gracious offer to play Battenkill with you and your boys. We can finally get a chance to consummate the second leg of the home and away. My only request would be a chili dog spot post golf that’s in the same class as New Way Lunch in Glens Falls. :)

Tim, nothing would make me happier though I'll have to do some chili dog sampling before you get here so I don't steer you wrong!  :-). One son is in college now.  He didn't make it to Yale but his college's course is rated #2 in the country (for college courses), so he's making due :-). Come spring let's do this.


Dave-Congrats to your son! I am looking forward to seeing you in the Spring.

Tom Birkert

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #148 on: December 27, 2019, 08:01:17 AM »
I'm in the UK so we get it a lot less, and I'm usually hosting friends of friends from the US, and I've never had a bad experience doing that. In fact, I've met some absolutely wonderful people.

Weirdest one I've had was an Australian friend of a friend of a friend. Background was I'd been introduced to a lovely guy who very kindly hosted me in Australia a few years ago. He then asked if I'd be willing to host a friend of his, which of course I was happy to and we had a great time.

Fast forward a few months and I get an email from someone I've never met asking if I'd propose him for membership as he was friends with the guy I had hosted. I explained that this couldn't be done as I was already proposing someone but the way it was approached (by a member at a very good club) surprised me. A lot.

Like many on here, I've been incredibly lucky with the places I have played and indeed my home course. More importantly, the people I have met both visiting and hosting have pretty much exclusively been top notch. I'm always happy to host whenever I can. I've also arranged for some friends to play at places in the US but I'll only do that if I know them well and that they will be a good guest - in terms of golf, etiquette and personality. Ultimately when you do that, you're putting your reputation on the line as well.

Ira Fishman

Re: Access Request - weird story
« Reply #149 on: December 27, 2019, 11:09:20 AM »
I have only asked for access twice. Once through a friend who had offered it and once through our Pro. I am concerned that I would violate etiquette. But is there even a proper etiquette for asking someone who one does not know? I doubt I will do so regardless, but it would be helpful to know the right way to do so.


