Tom, I now live in Anaconda. My understanding is the course was an option. Clean up the mess for $125 million, or cap the land and build a course for $25 million. ARCO, as far as I know had to foot the entire bill, just as they do to this day with any remediation. The Superfund site is essentially the entire county and there is still plenty of remediation to be done. ARCO isn't going anywhere any time soon
The course is good, but local play is thin. Old Works does less than 20,000 rounds...probably closer to 15,000 a season. That is not enough to sustain a quality golf course that sells seasonal memberships for around $900 and charges $55 a round with cart.
People tell me without this agreement the course will no longer exist.
I have lived here for just about a year. I am still learning the extent of ARCO's power and control over what happens in this town. You practically have to sign off with ARCO if you want to dig a hole in the ground. They fear liability. ARCO will remediate my lawn...front, side yard, back yard, boulivard, dig down 18" and remove the soil...haul in new soil and sod my yard for free. I sign a 30 page document that says they are no longer liable...Living on a superfund site is interesting!