A) Damnit, Sven! There goes my theory. I suspect that the Chautauqua Institute has many other things on its mind, before a restoration comes to consideration, then passage. Also, kinda curious to know if the routing has been reconfigured over time, if bunkers have been removed, etc.
B) I'd love to know what clunkers MacKenzie put forth. I've photographed only two of his prizes (Pasatiempo and Crystal Downs) and they were places I should spend a lifetime.
C) Ross experts can chime in on specifics, but he did do a number of courses from afar.
D) JSchley...always a good point, one that I tend to forget. I use the line "the bones are there, and evident" quite often. Bass River in MA is a good example of one of these. Don't know the extent of changes there, or if he visited. I suspect he visited, as it wasn't far from Little Compton.
E) My 5-course meal of Ross courses that I would love to see: Essex, Salem, Charles River, Tedesco, and Winchester. All near Boston. I'll have to make some new friends