The link to the IBJ article for Indy's Riverside closing indicates that South Grove, another Indy 18 hole muni next door to Riverside, will close a year or two after Riverside. Being two inexpensive, accessible public courses in downtown Indy, their absence looms large among a certain demographic in the area. The article continues to indicate that Coffin, another muni across the street from Riverside, will then be modified in some way to accommodate the usual Riverside/SG customer. Coffin, a Tim Liddy design, has been mentioned a few times on this website. I think it's a vastly underrated design because maintenance issues prevent folks from being able to see the design. But Coffin is, in my opinion, much more difficult than Riverside and SG. I fear that modifying Coffin is just a way to say "make it easier".
In a similar vein, on Indy's north side, in Carmel, the last few years have seen the closure of 2 9-hole courses for development. I liked them both, inexpensive but not without enough of a challenge to serve as a good place to spend an hour or two. Grey Eagle, a public 18 holer in Fishers, was slated to close this year, though I've not kept track of what the exact situation there was. Likewise for Carmel's Wood Wind.