Merion always had this beautiful fescue around the bunkers etc and it's all been taken out. To me it makes the course look too homogeneous. Of
It may well still be fescue, just in a grow in stage-newly germinated(or in rarer cases sodded) fescue doesn't look all that different than bluegrass or ryegrass (from a distance)
Any old course regrassed is definitely going to look more homogonous as it's pretty difficult to duplicate the poa-bent mix which takes years to develop(for better or worse).
here's hoping some of that multi millions went to retaining the old texture and color.
But homogomous is where most of the golf world is going anyway....
I can't imagine altering a course such as Merion, but given the inaction by the governing bodies, they had already been deemed irrelevant 30 years ago for hosting a US Open(which clearly mattered to them), then later labeled as a "Boutique" Open by that same organization.