I am somewhat of a Ludite, so I don't pay much attention to phone apps. This time of the year, everyone seems to be fixated on their phone weather forecasts and just this past week, three of my guys quit after the 13th hole because Google weather said the rain and possible lightning would be on top of us in 15 minutes. I had been watching the sky all morning and it looked like it was getting lighter, the storm clouds to the west were moving north, but more importantly, planes were still on their pattern into DFW, about 30 miles to the west. I kept going, caught a few sprinkles on the last hole as the storm missed our area by 20+ miles. I did see one group teeing off on 1 as I was finishing, but the course was otherwise empty. We didn't get any measurable rain until well after dark. Our weather tends to be pretty localized, so perhaps the apps are better predictors elsewhere.