But, at no level AT ALL did ANYONE offer one iota of DATA that the annual private event drives sustained benefit to the game...like Tiger Woods does, as an aexample.
yikes that is quite a leap.
Running the premier in all of sports that the ENTIRE golf world will be glued to is"not good" for its host sport....
promoting a junior event in prime time, an Asian Amateur, a South American Amateur, and now a woman's event in prime time..
is somehow "not good" for golf.
Ortiz had about 100 Mexican fans in his party yesterday wildly cheering his every shot-a week ago a Mexican amateur woman had us all glued to the set for hours, and talking about it for days afterwards.
Do you think any women or Latin Americans will have less interest in golf now?
I guess if you need data I could send you the hundreds of pages of daily show notes(usually fits on one-two pages) I got from SiriusXM and Golf Channel.
I can certainly give you data about all the droves of knuckleheads who took up golf when Tiger made it cool who then quit because golf isn't cool, but like anything worth pursuing, requires passion and some semblance od dedicaation to unlock itss joys-- and ultimately rewarding for those who persist and don't drmand instant gratification.
I have 46 years of anecdotal data of watching the "Augusta effect" of people being inspired to take up and continue golf.
but cursing like a sailor and burying/throwing clubs(in his prime)having multiple extramarital affairs simultaneously with porn stars and Perkins not so finest, getting arrested slumped over the wheel etc.
....is somehow much better for golf
One could pose perhaps pose a theory that The MASTERS is less than ideal for ARCHITECTURE in some ways (and it would be a commentable albeit tired thread)