Hole 6 - "Strath" - Par 5: 519-493-455-440-327
"The second of the trio of front-nine par-five holes moves to the left downhill from the Oak Savanna ridge into a valley framed by more oaks. The golfer who assumes the fairway bunker cut into the hillside should be avoided will miss a great aiming point off the tee. The play from as close to that fairway bunker as possible is the wiser choice as the route opens up from that side and eliminates a bunker further down the left side, and both tree lines, from consideration as well."

"The shorter route cutting the corner to the left requires a play over a swale running along that side. The next shot along this line to the green can best be described as uncomfortable as the route is blocked by that second fairway bunker in addition to more oaks matched on the right side by an additional tree line. That said, a third fairway bunker jutting out from another ridge on the right approximately fifty yards out conceals the right half of the putting surface."

"The line of play bisects the green with a dramatic ridge that transitions the high side of the green into the lower left side of the green. If an approach finds the wrong side, a putt traversing a three-foot tier will demand excellent touch."