I'm stunned you remember a thread I started months ago!
You are right, in that Forrest suggests the multiple tees provide options for the superintendent, mostly for maintenance reasons, although the golden agers talked a lot about using the space to adjust hole length for seasonal winds and moisture.
Frankly, I can't think of an instance outside a tournament where such a thing was considered in daily set up of the course. When I worked on a golf course, I had the cup and tee job, and was reminded constantly that it was because I was generally worthless for other maintenance jobs.

Longer tees can make the hole play slightly differently for regular players on different days, though. My hypothesis was that ultra wide tee sets might allow different players to attack the hole differently in the same foursome. As I recall, the practical among us pretty well shot that idea down, didn't they?
I didn'tmean to suggest that multiple tees put the hazards out of whack. I think the keep them in whack as best as possible. In fact, I suppose thinking of staggered, or random hazards in conjunction with longer tees could produce some very interesting variations.
What I was trying to say in both posts, was that no design concept is perfect. Multiple tees do address a few problems of providing more space for better maintenance, more reasonable distance for more players, etc. They do take up space, look bad unless hidden, etc. As I said, you give something to get something....
Like Forrest, there are a few unique holes, like CPC 16 and TOC 17 that wouldn't ever be the same with forward tees. I don't know that citing the exception to a general rule - that I assume is about standard now, that multiple tees allow different players to play the same course more or less to their abilities, diminishes the value of using them in new, non historic design.
Back to your original question, is it so bad that different players play the course differently? Since golf began, I think the option has been separate courses, like ladies and junior courses, or multiple tees. We all know how popular men only courses are in the US right now! We also know/presume that the slope rating allows handicaps to be fairly computed when playing different tees in the same match. And, while going to each set of tees for different classes of player does slow play, it probably doesn't do so any more than having two high handicappers play an extra shot per hole from the back tees.
So, other than the "tradition" of having fewer and smaller tees, which Fazio corrects for by hiding other tees well from each other (and not at great angle differences as you imagined) what's not to like?
BTW, I actually was playing a bit of devil's advocate, figuring mention the Faz in a positive light (which I generally think of him) would set off some GCA style fireworks, three weeks early to boot. Fortunatly, you guys are getting more mature!