Wolf Point was a personal golf course for one man's use, it was not a business. What exactly would anyone be buying, other than the obvious of a golf course with a lot of extra land surrounding it?
The last 4 courses the Dormie Network purchased were nationally known entities and existing businesses. They had varying degrees of infrastructure/facilities already existing on the property. Other than the Dormie Club, they all had some sort of membership base.
Buying Wolf Point would essentially be starting a business from scratch. Anyone that has started a business and/or bought an existing business can tell you there are pros/cons to doing either way. But starting from scratch takes a lot more time. While many on GCA are familiar with Wolf Point, most of the golf world is not. WP would require a huge amount of time and resources to get it up and going, something that would take years. That would seem to impede the progress of a network that is trying to expand rapidly over the next few years.
While you may think you know what you’re talking about in reference to Wolf Point, you really don’t have the first clue. I am no longer there on a day to day basis but I can promise you your comment about “require huge amount of time and resources” is inaccurate.
While you may think you know what you're talking about in reference to my post, you really don't have the first clue.
The Dormie Network model is a national membership model that requires onsite lodging in the form of multiple cabins and a clubhouse big enough to house a pro shop, office space, and restaurant with enough seating for golfers that will likely be eating all 3 meals there, in addition to hanging out and drinking. Can the current clubhouse do that? Is there room for 80 people to eat dinner inside a 3 hour time window and a kitchen large enough to handle that kind of volume, let alone storage for that amount of food?
Are there any cabins currently on the property? Enough to house 70-80 people, one to a room?
Is there a currently a membership base to revolve a business around?
What is a maintenance plan for the rest of the acreage that isn't the golf course and how much does that cost to maintain?
Right now the listing for the property is $11.5 million.
$11.5 million before you've even done a thing.
No lodging.
Clubhouse too small.
No membership.
Vast non-golf lands to maintain.
You're right, what would be so expensive and time consuming about that?!