Just confirmed, the "fast" way to get in is to buy a house or a lot if there are any left otherwise you go through a waiting list/formal process!
With all due respect, you must be talking to someone who is looking at another club or on the imaginary wait list at Bears. I spoke with three members who all confirmed it once had property ownership as a prerequisite years back but it is no longer the case whatsoever.
Furthermore, implicit in both Sheldon and Tom's posts, the current Nicklaus controversy has much to do with salvaging his immediate reputation and localized stature at the club as it does with the stressed economics of the place. I agree with Sheldon that we have none of the facts....and all of the speculation. And with Tom, I agree raising dues is raising dues.
Don't forget the premise under which the club was founded. In the hyper-competitive Palm Beach golf market there are literally dozens of clubs to look at. Jack went into partnership with a few select guys to build "his place" with the goal of attracting a tony crowd of CEOs, Celebrities, Touring Pros and other well-to-do folks. It was launched under the premise of being uber high-end and exclusive but quickly realized it needed more members to reach economic sustainability.
Post 2008-09, it opened it's membership to near anyone willing to plunk down what was a reasonable initiation, and obligate themselves to significant yearly dues. Two of my golf buddies took advantage of this...neither of whom ever owned property anywhere in Florida. Others, who did live nearby and had belonged to other clubs (i.e. Trump Jupiter, Banyan, Dye Preserve, etc...) plunked down and joined. A good number of these enjoyed it at first only to later demur and eventually leave. Now, a good number of Michael Jordan's golfing buddies have left, or will be once his new club is ready.
Lastly, while easily the "Bel-Air" of Palm Beach for celebrity sightings, that panache has worn off quite a bit....some of the PGA pros going elsewhere...and stories of 6 hour member-guests, and cart posses playing through without asking still resonate in that neighborhood. My speculation is that some of this is playing no small role in Jack's putsch.