This old book is due for another update - it still sells well and makes decent money for its publisher. It was a classic in its time (1976) and it's been updated many times by dozens of contributors from the UK and USA, but I confess there are huge errors of omission, errors of fact through plain ignorance (especially on my part), and errors of judgement about which courses should or should not be included. In the end, the available budget and possible co-production deals will dictate just how much serious amendment can take place but, for the moment, there is no reason why we should not aspire at least to clear out the duds and make way for the unjustly neglected.
I shall not clutter up this site with an enormous document listing all the courses currently represented. So if anyone would like to peruse the list and my comments and concerns about each of them, E-mail me at and I'll sent it as a Word or txt attachment.
I should very much value your constructive criticisms as there is so much wisdom, experience and 'savvy' amongst the contributors to this site. Feel free to comment about any aspect - not only the courses themselves, but the balance of the coverage, neglected architects, unrepresented regions, and, especially, judgements that are 25 years out of date. I cannot promise that all your concerns can be addressed, but I'd love to incorporate as many as possible into the agenda for my next meeting with the commissioning editor in, probably, a month's time.
Many thanks, in eager anticipation,
Mark Rowlinson.