Until I was told, I would NOT have believed True Blue and Caledonia could have been designed by the same man.
To this old duffer, they were completely different.
True Blue seemed more playable whereas Caledonia had more eye candy.
Playable for me, that is. If I am over 145 yds out, I need to roll or bounce the ball onto the green.
In Scotland that is easy. On True Blue it was possible. (And maybe just my memory is faulty) but it seemed that every green at Caledonia was fronted by sand or water. Most holes there forced me to lay up and then wedge onto the green.
The scorecard and satellite views of True Blue terrified me, but the fairways had wide landing areas and the greens were approachable. I very much enjoyed PLAYING there.
Scoring at Caledonia was a struggle for this duffer, but it was an enjoyable round nevertheless. Beautiful photo opportunities almost everywhere. Check out the Dixie cup discussion and count the relative number of photos for each course.
I'm still amazed that both were designed by the same man!
How I remember Caledonia approaches: