
Welcome to the Golf Club Atlas Discussion Group!

Each user is approved by the Golf Club Atlas editorial staff. For any new inquiries, please contact us.

Brian Finn

What are the economics generally of such a project?
Take Southern Pines as an example given how many people mentioned it, and I gather it is still for sale.
Reasonable purchase price? Assume Elks Club needs can be navigated.
Restoration cost?
Annual Operations and Maintenance?
Revenue that would needed to be generated from golf? Number of rounds at what green fee?
Or pick a course with which you might be more familiar.
There was a deal on the table in February for Southern Pines to be purchased (for $3.2MM) and renovated (estimated $2MM).  That deal fell through, but would give you some useful context.  Of course, there is ongoing maintenance cost to consider as well.
New for 2025: Cabarrus CC...

Ira Fishman


Thanks. It was your post that helped prompt the question. I am curious now what would be needed in terms of revenue to make it all work.


Rich Goodale

Dornoch Struie.
Life is good.

Any afterlife is unlikely and/or dodgy.

Jean-Paul Parodi

Tom Bacsanyi

Just as aside, shouldn't somebody write the book Economics of the Golf Course: Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.

I feel like the knowledge base on this subject is sorely lacking to nonexistent.  I'd be interested to see how many projects Doak, Brauer, and others have seen that they absolutely knew were doomed to fail.

As for the topic, isn't the question not "which course should", but "can we even?"
Don't play too much golf. Two rounds a day are plenty.

--Harry Vardon
