Terry,Beverly is one of my tops. Love it.
I think it is critical that we all recognize the difference between the game of golf and the golf industry. The industry is all about growing even when the game is not. Mowers, irrigation, chemicals, fertilizers, universities, restaurant suppliers, club and ball manufacturers all are there to convince clubs they need more and more. I spent three days at our State Am this year watching the young guys. 245 yard five irons and 340 yard drives have convinced me that we can't increase length enough on these land locked classics to keep them in check for these guys 20 years down the road. While the average golfer can enjoy them as they are for years to come, the notoriety will be lost if the short game skills needed on these classics are not emphasized. I think the short grasses are just one way to do such.
Just don't forget that there are around 15,000 end users out there and all of these industry elements want a piece of that. They are not looking out for your course as much as their own interest. It's human nature. It has become a huge wiener measuring contest...