Just estimated new tees (in place, add new forward tee), 5 tees, 7,000 SF, seed tees, 6" of mix, sod banks for quick recovery, using a bonded contractor in a high labor rate area. I predicted $48K construction cost each, including new sprinklers (about $10K), new 10 ft path with curbs for about 300 LF, plus another 200 feet down the fw at 8 ft wide.
(about $20K)
Of course, $30K is sprinklers and path, which you may not need, leaving $18K per tee. And, you can save money by re-using sprinklers, in house crew, less sod, etc.
There are so many differences world wide. Hope this helps, but is only a general guide. Prices here in the US have ramped up after a few years of 15% decrease (2006-2010) and about the same length of stagnation (2010-2016) and contractors are trying to catch up. Cost of materials they have to buy isn't doing pricing any favors, either.