Jeepers, the extent of the damage without touching the course is remarkable. I reckon the fire department must have done fire breaks and did an excellent job as well. Although, the fire did reach very close to the 13th tee and not far from the 8th tee.
Looking toward the reservoir and 9th green from just right of the old 13th tee.

Looking toward the 11th tee.

No fire damage, for those that don't know, below is the new 6th tee shot. An old tee was resurrected when the 6th used to play down the current 13th fairway in the opposite direction. One can clearly see short grass on the left which leads back to the daily and shorter tees. I must say, its a big improvement.

A look at the green from the new back tee for #9. I am less convinced this is an improvement.

Nothing new, just a look at one of my favourite bunkers...perfectly placed...#8.
