As an architect perhaps you can tell me. Is the design of an "audience tee" or finish for that matter ever a consideration in the architecture of a course? In defense of Sand Hills I'll agree that a cow tells no lies, but would think St. Andrews is all that much better because of the audience it provides for both start and finish.
If I had a dime for every client who wondered if they could see the finish of a PGA Tournament that was never, ever, going to come to their course....from the clubhouse.

So, yeah, its an architectural thing, but would be sacrificed in a minute if the final hole was better somewhere else, a la Harbor Town 18.
As to the start, TBH, I usually recommend the clubhouse be situated to look down 1 or 10 since all the bunkers and what not are designed to be seen that way. Most bunkering disappears from the backward view, and getting the sight lines right is harder than most would imagine. The TPC course greens were generally designed with views from around the back and sides a primary constraint. For that matter, most waterfalls and other scenery would be placed to look good from where the TV cameras would sit.
In the modern day, the "sophistication" of design certainly removes any charm that occurs at St. Andrews when their designs for lack of a better term "didn't know any better" or at least their minds weren't cluttered up with hundreds of years (or decades in the case of TPC design) design "experience. Or maybe we just fill in the charm in our minds, blocking out sooty buildings and what not.
So, yeah, in that way, TOC is better. Or, they are 1A and 1B, with maybe several 1-another letters in the mix that are about equal. Of course, this site wouldn't exist if we didn't split hairs.
I cant even decide what is better by which I want to return to. It's a tie. Personally, I am more likely to get back to Sand Hills due to proximity, but would love to go to St. Andrews, if only I could convince my son named after the place it was worth the trip. Have told the story, but one day picking him up from Sunday school, the teacher pulls me aside and tells me they were studying how all good Catholics are named after saints, but that my son had the crazy idea he was named after a golf course.
Also played Sand Hills right after opening, nearly getting bit by a rattler, in a Doakapalooza, and with Andrew right after his first AJGC tourney in KC, so good memories there, too.