When I saw the title, I immediately thought of Old Works and Anaconda, Montana. Dying western mining town, the old Anaconda Copper smelter site declared an EPA Super Fund environmental disaster, new owner Exxon liable for mediation estimated at $125M. Instead, they hired Nicklaus, capped the site, and built a good golf course for something like a $25M bargain price. Of course, with big oil bucks, the EPA, and the GOAT golfer involved, the story lacks the charm of Elk Rapids. It captured my attention from the planning and permitting days for many of the same reasons, however, and I've had a lot of fun playing it since it opened. I think the front nine is quite good, but have a hard time giving it a "don't miss" recommendation since that Doak fellow sort of eclipsed a grand story by building his magnificent nearby y Rock Creek Cattle Company. At least Old Works is still public and affordable and spectacular in the world of small town muni's.