I do think part of appreciating Old Mac is suspending the expectations of the templates. That being said, nothing can save the short....
Sure you meant the Short? Its normally the Redan that gets the criticism. The Short is awesome, especially from the back tees.
The Biarritz is not a Biarritz, but that is another story.
I probably have a factor of 100x more experience on Old Mac than everyone here but Joe Bentham. Obviously everything is subjective, but I find more first timers having a blast out there than otherwise.
If I have any knock on the course, it has to do with setup as opposed to design, with not enough attention paid to moving the markers for the days wind. This doesn't have anything to do with eliminating the halfpar nature of some of the holes, its more about preserving the risk reward nature of some of the options off of the tee.
And contrary to what Ari said earlier, there are preferred angles to different pins on each hole. It may be a wide open playing field, but finding the right spots in that field is important.