For the most part I'm with Eric on this issue. I don't see why it's a good thing that rules officials are presumed to be all-knowing and omniscient. If someone else notices a rules violation, even if it's after the scorecard gets signed, aren't we supposed to be getting it right? Isn't that the goal, to get it right?
But, I'm also glad that the double penalty (or the even more draconian sanction of disqualification) is now eliminated. If the woman (sorry, can't recall her name) who hit the sand with her backswing in the Open didn't know that she had done so, she violated the rule but I just don't see why she should get penalized for signing an incorrect card. Yes, she touched the sand (or, Tiger dropped in the wrong spot, or Lexi mis-marked her ball). That's a penalty. Add the two strokes. But two more (or a DQ) for signing your card and not including a penalty you didn't know that you committed (and which wasn't discovered until after you signed) has never made sense to me.