Two things stood out that I kept waiting for someone to bring up.
1) Variety. REGARDLESS OF WHAT TEES YOU USE, you should have a variety of short to long par 3's 4's and 5's
2) Long and short FOR THE PLAYER.
You have golfers whose drives only go 180 yards and others who hit their 7-irons that far. But to my thinking, the short and long hitters should all have a par 3 reachable with a short iron and a long par 3 (for him/her) where a wood is required.
The problem I see is where the tees are moved up all to the same distances for the seniors or women but they don't provide variety. It is crazy to have all par 3's 100 to 120 yards for the women. Or all par 4's 300 to 350 yds for the seniors. UGH.
You bring up a common issue.
The more "sets" of tees demanded, the more often this will happen within a given set of tees.
A hole or holes may have been designed where the topography works from several sets of tees, but absolutely doesn't work(or at least without a lot of earth moving) for several others. Rather tha eliminate what might be a really good hole from the back and regular tees, a few tees may be placed on the far side of the intervening terrain or wherever its easier to build them.
Or sometimes, it's just symetrical placing of tees, each one 30-40 yards apart.
The problem can be solved by the player simply mixing and matching tees.
Forward tees are particularly troubling as "women" come in all shapes, sizes and abilities, but seldom will venture off the "red" tees, which are becoming ever increasinly shorter(and homogonized) as courses continue to add shorter tees.
Again, the same as one size doesn't fit all, courses that try to be all things to all people often end up with the homogonized tees you reference-as one might wonder why they're building yet another tee that isn't substantially differently placed (and unfortunately proportionate) than the others.
Setup can solve a lot of this but crew are loathe to double up on tees and leave others vacant when the number of physical tee matches the sets of markers.
Or you get the resorts that don't even bother to use the back two sets and push all tees forward where they don't sniff card yardages-all in the name of pace of play.
I often hear players complain they can't mix and match tees because they have no way to post scores, but they never mention this when posting off a course where the tees were two blocks up the day they played from where they were rated. The same guys that drop for lost balls and pick up 6 footers.