Although I've only met him twice, I will say that the episode with the superintendent is classic Tom Doak and seems to happen all the time. Can't say I fault him for not engaging in a discussion with someone, who isn't equipped to have that discussion. Of course, these days everyone wants to have Tom's opinion on this or that aspect of a golf course. But there is probably a fine line between those wanting his opinion in order to learn and change their own outlook and those, who just want a feather in their cap.
I've been in a similar position a couple of times, when I was being asked by a hosting club how I like their course. I've rarely said anything more substantial than "great, thank you". Many people just aren't all that interested in the actual topic; all they want is confirmation. Plus, an articulated opinion that weighs the issues fair and square is not all that easy to come by. It takes a couple of days deliberating, going through pictures, talking to people and writing everything up.