I don't understand why more golfers don't use the Provisional Ball option currently in place. If you're playing a hole and you know there's OB or lost ball potential and you see it go near that area, why not just hit the provisional?
No walk of shame
No march back to the tee, where almost no one will do on a busy course anyways.
And you get an extra "practice shot"...on the house, if you find your original.
Does it just not occur to people to do this?
I think the vast majority of players who actually know the provisional ball rule use it, and for exactly the reasons you outline. When it is not used, it is either by a player who just doesn't know, a group that has decided to play everything as a lateral, or a case where the player thinks everything is fine but then can't locate his golf ball.
FWIW, I play with a group of seniors that play tournaments most Mondays at a number of different courses, very few of which are familiar to the majority of players. We typically have over 100 players, and pace of play in a stroke play tournament is always a problem. Basically, we play the entire planet as if it had red stakes; lost, OB, hazard, whatever. Drop a ball at a place agreed upon by the group, take a one stroke penalty, and play on.
And guess what? It's simple, it's quicker, and it works just fine. We don't even bother with provisional balls; just keeping moving forward. I know to many of you that sounds like heresy, and I don't think you'll ever see the PGA Tour or the Masters adopt this, but it actually works quite well, especially on unfamiliar courses. And guess what? The best players still win!