The Buda Cup for 2017 will be held at Littlestone GC and Rye GC on August 12-14. The event is limited to 24 golfers.
Here's the schedule:
12 August - Littlestone GC - Arrive 9:00 for 9:34 startBacon roll & coffee on arrival
18 holes foursomes or greensomes
Light lunch available
18 holes 4-bbb
Dinner in clubhouse dining room 7PM (jacket & tie req'd)
13 August - Rye GC - Arrive 8:30 for 9:00 start, probably split tees18 holes - foursomes
Lunch in clubhouse (jacket & tie req'd)
18 holes - foursomes with the option of playing the excellent Jubilee course
14 August - Littlestone GC - Arrive 10:30 for 11:14 startBacon roll & coffee on arrival
18 holes - 2-ball match play
Lunch available in clubhouse
The cost will be 170GBP at Littlestone and 92GBP at Rye. We will arrange a casual dinner, probably at a local pub near Rye, on Sunday night. There are numerous options for accommodations in Rye, less so at Littlestone which is 10 miles away.
There is substantial interest in arranging games at other courses. Here is a spreadsheet which I'll update as information is received. spreadsheet will indicate who has submitted their deposit. Remember that this year the Buda Cup is limited to 24 golfers. These players have submitted a deposit and are guaranteed a spot:
Sean Arble
David McIntosh
Ben Stephens
Mike Whitaker
Tony Muldoon
Craig Disher
Bob Crosby
James Boon
Niall Carlton
Duncan Cheslett
Andy Levett
Bill Gayne
Jon Byron
Lou Duran
Bryan Izatt
Sterling Forsythe
Mike Malone
Jack Weiner
Giles Payne
Mark Pearce
Conrad Gamble
Robin Hiseman
Steve Wilson