You clearly have not played it in over five years. Delaware Park Meadows is packed on a daily basis. Since the Olmsted Parks Conservatory volunteer group took over the three city courses, they have been in borderline-wonderful shape.In addition, the courses are some of the most-played in the area, given their cost and their location as melting pots.
I do understand the routing issue. Although I love the funky routing, the par-threes-over-trees (and under, and around) and the relaxed atmosphere, I understand that a better, 12-hole loop could be created. The problem, as I see it, is that it is city land and the promoter (Gaughan) is often at odds with the city government. It will take collaboration between the city and the many other entities to make it work.
Personally, I'd like to see it go out to bid. There is no way that any firm would take this on as a simple give-back, without making some money or receiving some benefit.
Although, since Mr. Nicklaus' grandson plays tight end for the Buffalo Bills NFL football club, maybe he has a soft spot for the area.