This is sort of like asking me what shot did I like best at Cypress! I guess it's not though, since the drive on #16 is easily the most exciting shot in golf.

The most fun shot I hit in three rounds at Pacific Dunes was my first tee ball on #5. Downwind it landed maybe 20 yards short left, bounced onto the green, and fed to a center back pin to maybe 6'. My caddy pointed out this possibility and it worked perfectly.
But the shot I enjoyed most, my absolute favorite, was the tee ball into the wind at #11. From 140 yds I flushed a four iron and found the putting surface. My fellow competitors both bailed out and hit their shots on or over that big dune to the right. Yes!!!

That is such a beautiful green, with that skinny little bunker on the left, ocean side which looks like it's been there for 100 years.
I don't think the hole would be as much fun downwind, probably be like trying to stop a pitching wedge on the hood of your car!