Trails and Old MacDonald are much newer courses.
It could be simply a factor of the day you played, or the time of day. If they cut and roll the greens out there, they can be very consistent, and quick (getting above the hole on the 1st can be a dangerous proposition). Like most greens with poa in them, the later in the day the more likely you'll have the uneven nature of the grasses affecting putts.
A year and a half ago they started dialing Pac's greens in for the USGA Women's Four Ball. There were no complaints, and by all accounts they were in as good condition as many long time caddies had seen them in years.
All in all, I still feel they roll pretty well for a resort that can see 16,000 rounds in a month, with Pac receiving more than its lion's share of that play. We're also at the tail end of the summer busy season with very little rain, so in the yearly life cycle of that grass you're probably seeing it at its most stressed.
Sorry I missed your visit, have been out of town since last Wednesday.