I knew this was going too easily. Thankfully, the first caterpillars have been discovered in the salad. Firstly, these dates conflict with the Dornoch member guest. Whilst we would not be drawing from the same competitive pool the accommodations available in the area might be squeezed.
Secondly, this is Memorial Day weekend in the US and a Bank Holiday in the UK. The first might impede the willingness to travel of some colonials and the second would put even more stress on the housing scene in the area.
Thirdly, it has been pointed out to me, by someone other than Craig Disher, that as he (Craig) has been such an integral part of these events, particularly in planning them, that perhaps a move to June might be in order to provide him with an opportunity to participate. I am inclined to this position myself as I hope to finally play in the same group as Craig. (Before one or more of you assume I'm having a senior "moment" or worse, I am fully aware that, other than with possibly Mark Pearce, I suspect I've played more with Craig than anyone else at BUDAs and Dixie Cups).
Fourthly, if we are using May to take advantage of the long hours of daylight, then moving to June would provide even more.
As no one expressed interest in the Pro-Am, I don't see much downside in moving away from that event in time.
Accordingly, I submit for consideration either of the first three weekends in June as alternate dates. I am reasonably certain that Golspie will find this acceptable, and as I have not finalized Brora for the 26th we wouldn't be upsetting their apple cart if we moved to slightly later in the spring.
Until I have a better reading or as near a consensus as we ever get I'm leaving the arrangements with Golspie in place.
So while this isn't an RSVP, yet, please let me know where you stand on this. My personal preference is to move no further than the second weekend in June.
Current schedule: May 25-27
June 1-3
June 8-10.