I like that random rumple stuff as much as anyone, but am starting to question its greatness as a strategic feature. It really becomes a landscape preference for me.
Today, my wife and I were having a breakfast sandwich near the first tees at Sand Valley. I watched a guy hit a low line drive that caught a downslope, which propelled the shot to within a few yards of the green. I realized the contour he benefited from was much larger and obvious than much of the surrounding, smaller stuff...making it a viable goal from the tee to attempt to use it. It also made me realize that a smart player with less club might outplay an unwitting player with more club, as I watched his playing partner hit a much "better" shot that didn't go as far.
I don't see any strategic value in your picture, just random luck on bounce and subsequent lie. I would love to hear more to further your opinion of it's brilliance.