Going back to my CCB vs. Shinny, CCB's tunnels are stabilized (I suspect) because of the type of rock/soil they had to blast through to build them. Would the sandy soil of Shinny allow for a stable tunnel/series of tunnels?
Jeff, I love the term "trade parade." First heard it when I was out there for the Women's Open at Sebonack (must have missed it at Shinny-US Open in 2004-Oh, I know why-we stayed at the defunct college dorms out there, so we never encountered it.) Get on the wrong side of it and you are hosed.
I like the idea of the "muertos" as they call them in Costa Rica...the speed bumps. If they are healthy enough, they will slow down the traffic.
Someone forgot to mention the public road that divides Paramount CC, another world-class design.