Count me along with those a bit skeptical on 16-17. I have nothing bad to say about 5...we played it from 340 and it was a 3w or hybrid then a mid or short iron. I thought it was a great hole.
16 seems uber-penal to me, and we didn't even see a pin on the lower right side in three rounds. From the back tees at 180y, the wind was in the face from the left, so our tee shots needed to start left of the green, and bounce down the hill. In three plays, I hit three solid 4/5 irons, and had one ball on the green to about 25 feet staying on the upper tier, one catch the fescue and hang up in an impossible recovery above the hole, and one that I thought was the best one that hit the downslope and found one of the bunkers long. I thought had a pin been on the bottom right, it would have almost been too difficult, BUT, it was our decision to play from 180. I thought the challenges would make a bit more sense from closer in, maybe 160-165 max, but the view is not quite as good from there.
17 is a quandary that I'm still not sold on today. The caddies all wanted driver from the back tee, even straight into the wind. I don't think I'd ever be comfortable going for "all the unseen room to the right" with a re-tee as a potential result. Even though that room exists, there is still a 200+ yard carry uphill into the wind. I hit 3w my first play, hit it well, and landed next to the caddy about 210 from the tee. My second play was too far left (bushes), and my third was long left leaving an awkward recovery where I pretty much had to lay up with a wedge. My feelings now are much like #16 above, spectacular location, you have to put a hole there, but the strategies aren't perfect. Even if I became comfortable after many plays with the right edge and going towards the green, it doesn't sound like it takes a spectacular shot to reach the green. So the options are a)bail left, leaving awkward 75y approach, b)lay way back and bring the carry hazards into play to leave 100-110y approach from the top of the hill or c)forget the huge cliff and hit the green after an upwind 230y carry? I guess, but just don't know...
Personally, my favorite stretches on the Cliffs are 2, 5-6, and 13-15.