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Cliff Hamm

Cabot Cliffs condition
« on: May 13, 2016, 12:42:06 PM »
 With Cabot Cliffs opening in about one month , I was wondering what the condition is. Are fairways fully grown in or thin? Greens? Speed?

Cliff Hamm

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2016, 05:48:54 PM »
What's the record for views with no replies ;D


Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2016, 12:06:56 AM »
What's the record for views with no replies ;D

I'm not sure, but you just choked it away  :)

Jon Wiggett

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2016, 05:56:27 AM »
With Cabot Cliffs opening in about one month , I was wondering what the condition is. Are fairways fully grown in or thin? Greens? Speed?


to be blunt, if you are worried about green speeds and conditioning then maybe it is best not to play courses that are just opening. Why not just play the course and view it as a new course with all the things that comes with that. Sorry to be so blunt but wondering about green speeds ::)


Sean Leary

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2016, 10:50:52 AM »
With Cabot Cliffs opening in about one month , I was wondering what the condition is. Are fairways fully grown in or thin? Greens? Speed?


to be blunt, if you are worried about green speeds and conditioning then maybe it is best not to play courses that are just opening. Why not just play the course and view it as a new course with all the things that comes with that. Sorry to be so blunt but wondering about green speeds ::)


Traveling that far to play a course that is still rough may not be ideal for many people with limited time and/or budget. Waiting until its near or at its intended conditioning point should not be ridiculed. Seeing it first doesn't mean you have seen it better.

Jon Wiggett

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2016, 12:30:25 PM »
With Cabot Cliffs opening in about one month , I was wondering what the condition is. Are fairways fully grown in or thin? Greens? Speed?


to be blunt, if you are worried about green speeds and conditioning then maybe it is best not to play courses that are just opening. Why not just play the course and view it as a new course with all the things that comes with that. Sorry to be so blunt but wondering about green speeds ::)


Traveling that far to play a course that is still rough may not be ideal for many people with limited time and/or budget. Waiting until its near or at its intended conditioning point should not be ridiculed. Seeing it first doesn't mean you have seen it better.


my point was that if Cliff wanted to have top playing conditions then he should not play it when it first opened. I agree that waiting until its near or at its intended conditioning point should not be ridiculed.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2016, 01:40:00 PM by Jon Wiggett »

Cliff Hamm

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2016, 01:24:24 PM »
With Cabot Cliffs opening in about one month , I was wondering what the condition is. Are fairways fully grown in or thin? Greens? Speed?


to be blunt, if you are worried about green speeds and conditioning then maybe it is best not to play courses that are just opening. Why not just play the course and view it as a new course with all the things that comes with that. Sorry to be so blunt but wondering about green speeds ::)


Traveling that far to play a course that is still rough may not be ideal for many people with limited time and/or budget. Waiting until its near or at its intended conditioning point should not be ridiculed. Seeing it first doesn't mean you have seen it better.

That was  the purpose of the post. Thank you, Sean.   I will likely go next year.

Ben Voelker

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2016, 03:05:26 PM »
With Cabot Cliffs opening in about one month , I was wondering what the condition is. Are fairways fully grown in or thin? Greens? Speed?


Not that i am encouraging you to go or not to go, but I was at Cabot Links/Cliffs at the end of last September.  In my view, there was very little difference in between the conditions of the fairways and greens of CL and CC.  Fairways were fully grown in and greens were maybe a touch slower than Cabot Links, but not much.  The biggest issues last year were some of the rough and/or native areas were growing in and a few of the bunkers were still without sand (maybe 5-6 on the course).  The winter was relatively mild in Atlantic Canada this year (I live in Newfoundland) and the courses in this area have come through the winter nicely.

Again, not trying to sway you either way, but thought I would give you my report from having been somewhat recently!


Cliff Hamm

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2016, 04:47:22 PM »
Ben, it turns out this year will not work anyway...


Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2016, 03:11:20 PM »
Unless you are a local there wouldn't have been much reason to be at Cabot as Links just opened this past weekend and Cliffs doesn't officially open until early June.

Brad Tufts

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2016, 03:40:23 PM »
Well, Cliffs has been open since mid 2015 for play, so the "official opening" seems a bit moot.

That being said, not sure if it's open for the 2016 season yet.
So I jump ship in Hong Kong....

Ben Malach

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2016, 09:53:16 PM »
IF you are wondering shoot a tweet to @brad3allen who is the super there or @dzisbelgolf who is the assistant. They can give you more insight in to what is going on there. 
@benmalach on Instagram and Twitter
Eclectic Golf Design
Founder/Lead Designer

Greg Gilson

Re: Cabot Cliffs condition
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2016, 03:18:12 AM »
Cliff, i know you are now delaying your visit, which makes sense if you are living close enough. A friend & I (Aussies) are here right now (we are playing further south for a couple of weeks but "pre-extended into Nova Scotia). Cabot is amazing. We played Links (AM) and were privileged to play Cliffs (PM). There is a tiny bit of construction golf at Cliffs but otherwise the condition is "mint". I have never played a course with basically zero divots & noone else on the track. Its 4 AM local time (jetlag still!) but here are my top of mind thoughts on Cabot in general:

-they are doing things well all around clearly copying the Bandon model (both golf & non golf)
-the staff are , in general, great & clearly love their jobs
-Links was such a fun course with great variety & plenty of quirk. At lunch, refused to believe Cliffs could be SOOOOO much better (as reputed)
-it was
-have not played Sandhills or their course in China but I have played BT, FH, OS, LF and really love all 3 of those. Cliffs is superior or is , at least to me
-it is a big, beautiful, fun , varied (3 x 3, 3 x 4, 3 x5) course that i would love to play more often
-Cliffs #2 is a totally unique hole that i have never seen the like of before. Not often we get to say that
-contrary to most players, probably, i thought Cliffs #16 just felt a little forced (tiny bitch)

I wish good fortune to those with the balls & the $ to make this happen. Thanks to Andrew & the team for allowing us to play.

Go see it
