Sven: [size=78%]Good job as usual. Your Wash Herald date for construction corresponds to a 1921design date that is the best I have so far thru Paul T.[/size]
Per a recent review of Colt's own office files in the Hurdzan Collection, Colt scratched out MacKenzie's name in January of 1922 on the list of partners and Scale of Professional Charges and Condition of Agreement. Course credits is an issue I have with any magazine citation. As a retired architect I'm very familiar with the "credits" issue. The person who's name is on the door can take full credit for anything done in the office, the lead designer may be given credit, or the corporate name can be used with everything and credit for actual work be damned.
Therefore the design for Burning Tree in 1921 can certainly be credited to Colt, Mackenzie & Alison. However, as mentioned above by Adam Colt left the US in the late spring 1914 and was back in England, arriving in Liverpool from Montreal, on May 18th. He NEVER returned to the US. Alison first came to the US in 1903 as a member of the Ox-Bridge Soc team, but as an architect and full partner of Colt's he came in the late summer of 1920 to set up the firm's NA office in Detroit. His first efforts in 1920 were ongoing revisions for The CC of Detroit and the routing of the Port Huron (MI) Golf Club.
[/size][size=78%]So in my listing I cite Alison as architect and use the corporate name in parens in design as CMA, and for completion as C&A. Although as mentioned by Tom and others in previous threads the new corporation was not formed until 1928. [/size]
The Flynn connection for construction is a certainty as Alison always went back to England for the winter and returned to the US in March almost every year from 1920 thru 1929. If anyone can give us a date for Alison's actual arrival in America in 1920 I would be most appreciative. It may have been thru Montreal or NY.