WOW.. Land of Enchantment it Was!
Univ of NM, South (hill and dale and keep drinking water)
Twin Warriors (home of the 300 yard drive on #16)
Black Mesa (& grey dust, plus Ran's #16 Putting Challenge)
Paa-Ko Ridge (take me to the top of the Turquoise trail)
What a drag coming back to sea level! However, with some last words at the airport with George and Craig, an after flight recalibrating at Pappasitos and a quick visit to the club, re-entry to reality was somewhat smoothed out for us on Monday.
I certainly echo the remarks above and special thanks to our sponsors... I'd add that in any large get together, its usually fairly difficult to connect with more than a handful of folks, but this is an amazing group. At dinner, around the range, tee, grill, etc, it was warm and friendly, educational and inspiring to share the gca passions and have fun just talking. The networking promises to just get better!
While one can't play with everyone, those that shared a tee box certainly were enriched by the overall experience. I had a great time playing with Jason, Craig, Mike, Doug, Ran, Kevin, & Adam. Ms. Sheila loved it all and is somewhat amazed at this group, but then.. not.
Certainly one of the funniest moments was the spontaneous "Golf Clapping" after the frost delayed tee shots at Paa-Ko.. truly fitting. By the way, Ms. Sheila and Donna found well over a dozen lost balls at Paa-Ko, of reported high quality - low mileage type, during their clean-up round. Y'all need to come to The Woodlands to claim them!
Ran, Sheila also told me you appeared to be playin a little army golf on Sunday and wondered why you didn't show us that dark side of things on the sat-pm round with Doug? We might have taken things to the end!
Bill, A Home and Home event at Pensacola and The Woodlands is definitely needed.
Adam, hope you finally got some sleep last night!
Lou, Will look to play some in Dallas this fall.
And to all, thanks for a great time!