The nominees
17 St Andrews
17 Pennard
2 Oreti Sands-dogleg blind second to a par 4 unless drive it dangerously left
3 Shiskine
2,4,6,7,8 at Goat Hill
The blind par 3 at Prestwick (inspired by 4 at Goat Hill
[size=78%])[/size]Dell hole at Lahinch
3 Tara Iti-maybe more cool than outside the box-something there should be more of
12 at Tara Iti Up and over blind tee shot, super tilty right to left green
(loved the hole-a thumb your nose to everything that sucks about modern conformity)
#5 Long Cove
4 Fisher's
Several at The Machrie
Perranporth-the uphill blind par 5
The Pit at North Berwick
17 St Andrews
5 at Cruit
13 Portsalon
#1 Greencastle
12 at Greencastle-only slightly outside the box but unique, scenic and a cool greensite
2 at Arrowtown, but 4,5,7,8 pretty darn unique as well-actually the entire front nine is awesome and shockingly unique-to say nothing of the texture and scenery
#6 Otway (par 4 played over a massive dune ridge about 200+ out-seems like there's no way there's anything there on the other side-particularly after 4 out the first five holes share ONE fairway-and the last three holes share another)
Interestingly the 6th is the ONLY hole with its own fairway if one chooses to lay up
And the winner is....
#6 at Otway-where the sheep wear helmets