We keep hearing that growing grass is the easy part or every applicant can grow the grass....maybe growing grass is easy, but consistently providing a high quality golf surface isn't easy at all IMO.
It seems people in the business are always trying to shift the focus away from agronomy and more to the business, HR, compliance side, and I think it is that side that is easy. I believe there is an abundant supply of applicants who excell in the non agronomy specialities, but the supply of applicants who have a history of great green keeping will be more scarce. Clubs have specialists who can assist the new supt like HR people who can help, CPAs who can help, marketing professionals and Golf Professionals who can help with member relations.
The Supts specialty is not just grass, it is providing a great golf surface, and being a steward of the golf course. I wouldn't start trying to check the secondary boxes until I know for sure I've checked the primary.