I think my absolute favourite winter golf experience was playing Rye a couple of days after Christmas a few years ago. We were staying with the outlaws in Kent and in order to escape the horrors of family Christmas, I'd arranged with a golf architect mate to go to Rye. We got to the club about 0930; it was a perfectly clear, though cold, winter's day. We said hi to the secretary, and noting a sign saying 'Frost Delay' by the clubhouse, which was packed, expressed concern that we might struggle to get out once he opened the course. 'No,' he said. 'This lot will be gone in no time'. About ten the course was opened for play, and the assembled members disappeared to various points to start their round, effectively an informal shotgun. Fifteen minutes later we ambled to the first tee. There was a group just putting out on the hole but no-one else in sight, so we teed up.
Two hours and forty five minutes later we finished a wonderful round that included one of the best golf shots I've ever seen, from my friend, on the par three fourteenth. A brutal wind was against us and from the left, so he hit a quite magnificent five iron that drew into the wind and smacked down into the green, four feet from the pin. We had hardly encountered a soul during our round.
Returning to the clubhouse at 1pm we found lunch in full swing, with more bottles of red being consumed that I have seen before or since at a golf club. It was that day that I formulated my desire to create a new course ranking list -- The 100 Hardest Drinking Clubs.