Can we change gears ( get it) a minute. I'd like to talk and ask about packing for a minute. I play all my golf with a small Sunday type bag because I rally love to walk and carry. It fits 14 clubs but I usually play with 12. I have a full sized travel bag that rolls well and I find that I can pack all my clothes for a week long golf trip, 2 pairs of golf shoes(I alternate pairs each day to give my shoes and feet a rest), my toiletries and my golf balls all fit in this bag easily and I can keep my weight limit. I then take a backpack with a change of clothes, my charger cords and electronics, and some snacks and a water bottle. It has worked really well so far on trips around China and back and forth to the U.S.. My only fear is that my bag will get lost. It would be really scary to go on a golf trip and get stuck with nothing but my one change of clothes. Have any of you had this happen? Do you think this is a good way to pack? It makes getting around airports a breeze but if the airlines lose your bag you are stuck.
I've used that ploy many times, mostly on 1-3 trips/year from the UK to the USA but also from the UK to Portugal earlier this year, and despite a bit of hassle hoicking your bag through airports and into and out of your car boot and up stairs to hotels, it has worked well. Until just recently.....
I had a bright idea coming back a week ago from an extended stay in Florida, and at the last moment of packing decided to stuff various toiletries I had bought in the US (e.g. shampoo, deodorants, aspirin, shaving cream, etc--even sun lotion (now why would I bring sun lotion back to Scotland?
??) and after 24hrs on the road and in the air and waiting at airports lounges, I finally landed in Edinburgh, shattered but alive. I noticed on picking up my golf bag cum suitcase that there was a LOT of duck tape wrapped around it, but I'd seen that before, and got the entire package back to Fife without incident.
Fast forward a day or two, when I finally got the courage to tackle the "washing machine event" that follows golf trips just like the sun follows the moon, or vice versa of whatever (still jet lagged). Opening up the beast I noticed that my bag and most of my clothes and and my clubs and books and a few chargers for my computer and smart phone were covered with greasy smelly emulsions. I also noted several large openings in the (cloth) travel case, obviously made by a Stanley knife.
Oh the irony, when it hit me that my case, bag, clubs, ointment, electrics, books, etc. must have looked under the X-Ray en masse like a huge explosive device, made by the most stupid (or perhaps the most cunning) terrorist bomber. This only 2 weeks after the atrocities of Paris.
I think I'll pay extra for club carriage in the future....