Specifically regarding the version at Blue Mound, although it is a cool hole, there were three elements that made it less than idea for me:
1. The trees down the right looked to be encroaching on the bunkers, and extended well beyond them. For me, this meant that challenging the corner was less tempting. Below is the photo from Ran's tour that provides that look at the corner.

2. I'm not a fan of the uphill approach, as seen from this photo I took from the left side of the fairway. To me, executing a low runner uphill with a fairway wood or long iron for the second is much easier than when the terrain is flat with the green elevated slightly above. The infinity look of the green perched above is beautiful, but not quite so terrifying.

3. On this version, bailing out green-high right comes with no risk. That is what I did and the green was wide open from over there. It seems to me that the intent of the original hole is to take that bailout away. Further, the bailout long and left does not leave options the way it does at Shoreacres. It is a lob from rough grass up to the green. It's by no means an easy shot, but it does not require thought.

Don't get me wrong - I loved this hole. It just doesn't quicken the pulse for me the way that the Shoreacres version or some of the others mentioned do.