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Delightful Dooks.
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:42:09 AM »
I may have played Dooks on Irelands most lovely day of the year, yesterday.  I didn't mind there was little wind.  I don't remember what Tom D.,  Massi and Rans consensus rating was, but I would be shocked if it wasn't at least 7.5 to 8.

I just can't get any serious typing done on this tablet, nor get phnotos up to a host sight at this point.  That may have wait a while.  I'd like to inject them here when I get organized later.

Until then, if any of the community have Dooks thoughts, have at it.

I thought the course had it all, from excellent hazard/bunker array, to craftsmanship of maintenance of those bunkers,  nice yet proportional greens size, contouring, speed on the fescue with barely descernable transition from fairway, collar-surrounds.  The views, though not a part of the ground architecture, still are complimented with the course tie-ins of sigbt features and back drop.

This course famously is the "course by committee design" documented by Phinney and Whitely.  I say without reservation, it works!  ;)

A few fun blind shots, some satisfying speed slot slopes through FWs,  some nice moguls for varied lies,  bunkers cut in opportune funky little natural dune and poof nobs, greens sighted perfectly.  If there was much or any earth moved, you stumped me where and how much except possible minor shaping to define or melt down or piece up isolated areas of green surrounds. 

The fescue throughout was very healthy and though areated  recently, played well.
Dooks is a course that one could comfortably play everyday witnout growing weary or feel it is too intense to have a steady diet of, as I find some of the highly rated courses I have played.  Dooks would keep you sharp, and happy on a consistent basis, all day, everyday.
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.

Ed Tilley

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2015, 07:28:43 AM »
Tom's review in the Confidential Guide was based on the old course as he hadn't been back since the renovations. I can't remember the score but 7.5 to 8 is a bit optimistic!

Dooks on a great day is just about the loveliest spot on the planet. The scenery is out of this world and I'm envious that you got to experience it on such a day. If you are scoring it as an 8 on the Doak scale then I think you are (naturally) influenced by the weather / location / scenery. I had a really bad experience and I went the other way in actively seeking out faults and generally being a bit harsh. I personally would go with a 6 - it is a good course in a great setting.,61641.msg1464600.html#msg1464600

Also, don't get me started again on the changes to the 13th green which are nothing short of disgraceful.

Ed Tilley

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2015, 07:36:29 AM »

If you have a spare half an hour in the next day or so I would recommend you look through the pictures on the below site. These are detailed pictures of the course before the changes - might be interesting to see while the "new" course is fresh in your mind.



Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2015, 07:45:01 AM »
Dooks on a nice day is one one of the loveliest places on the planet.
Dooks is not an 8,(too many pedestrian holes) though such a day could produce a 10 + experience in such a setting.
 Dooks is a place I would frequent far more than say a Ballybunion, lahinch, or a RCD (once you have played them of course ;) )

I have very fond, perhaps inflated, memories of the old, simpler,quirkier Dooks. (much like Narin and Portnoo)
Seems the things I like and find worthwhile about traveling to remote courses are slowly being homogonized out in search of appealing to (often)mythical overseas visitors. I must say that seems to be working at Dooks though as even the locals were reluctant to take me there in '91-now it's pretty much included on many tours-which makes sense as it's right on the way on the Ring of Kerry.
Sadly, my last trip to Dooks I had a poor experience as well which no doubt has deflated my opinion a bit.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 06:57:32 PM by jeffwarne »
"Let's slow the damned greens down a bit, not take the character out of them." Tom Doak
"Take their focus off the grass and put it squarely on interesting golf." Don Mahaffey

Jim Hoak

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2015, 10:29:28 AM »
I loved the old Dooks before the redo, but what I loved most about it is that I stumbled onto it without knowing anything about it.  Sometimes that is the best experience in golf--to discover a gem previously unknown to you.  That probably inflates the experience.

Shane Wright

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2015, 10:47:04 AM »
Fairly certain the Confidential Guide gives Dooks a 6.  It may have even been a 5. 

Tommy Williamsen

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2015, 10:56:21 AM »
Tom and Masa gave Dooks fives.  Interestingly, tom, who hadn't seen it since the modifications, hopedthat the 13th green wasn't changed.

I really like the course, but it isn't in the same league as Ballybunion.  I'd give it a five or six.  I certainly like it better than Waterville.
Where there is no love, put love; there you will find love.
St. John of the Cross

"Deep within your soul-space is a magnificent cathedral where you are sweet beyond telling." Rumi


Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2015, 11:56:12 AM »

I really like the course, but it isn't in the same league as Ballybunion.  I'd give it a five or six.  I certainly like it better than Waterville.

2025 Craws Nest Tassie, Carnoustie.


Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2015, 06:32:44 PM »

I will repeat what I have said in previous threads. Dooks is one of the great places in golf. Never mind the Doak scale rating. It has no pretense of being Ballybunion or any other highly rated course. Dooks, however imperfect, is simply a wonderful place.
Tim Weiman

Charles Lund

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2015, 01:55:00 AM »
The Dooks was the first course I played on my first trip to Ireland, back in 2009.  I played 22 other courses on that trip and have been back to Ireland now on eight different occasions, I was enthralled with the course and it was my first taste of links golf in Ireland.   I liked the community aspect of the club and course and the fact that members invested a lot of themselves in the creation of the course.  It had challenging and interesting holes and was in a scenic setting.  The club was inviting and welcoming without a lot of regimentation. 

I have not been back to the Southwest since that first trip, preferring the North and the West.  Like many of the Irish links courses that get Doak ratings of 5 or 6, I have a special fondness for many of these small town clubs and courses.   The character of these kinds of clubs and courses is part of the draw of Ireland to me.  Having spent a total of close to six months of playing golf in Ireland and probably well over a hundred rounds on close to 30 different courses, I'd have to say that The Dooks and many of the lesser known courses and clubs offer the returning traveler a good opportunity to partake of the culture of the country and enjoy the craic while playing the game in some fantastic coastal settings.

The formality and regimentation at some of the top tier clubs and courses is understandable so I accept their policies.  I do feel fortunate to have had access to the majority of the most highly regarded links courses, many of which I would describe as rich in history and tradition, visually complex, challenging, and exhilarating to play, but short on warmth and a friendly welcome.   I find myself empathic to their plight in making courses accessible to players from overseas while not wanting to be overwhelmed by intruders.  Nevertheless, my motivation to return is impacted by the perfunctory manner in which some clubs deal with those of us fortunate enough to have traveled and played there.

With that in mind, The Dooks offers a lot and is a course and club that encouraged me to look beyond the big names to the wee places and the lesser known and overlooked courses that many people in the tour buses miss.


Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2015, 05:08:16 AM »
Hello all.  I just don't have the time to organize more comments and pictures now.  But I will mention that there are plans for another remodel be Hawtree.  A site concept drawing is in the clubhouse foyer of  a plan th eliminate holes1 and 18, making them ptactice ground, combining a few holes (perhaps using 13 with adjacent hole corridor for a long 4 par or 5).  The expansion then goes out into the land NE towards the water.  I have a picture of the drawing, but no time to organize it now.  Im off to Connemara and running late.  I do like Mr. Lunds evaluation.  I will have to study the photos of the old set-up for comparison.  In all candor, I think the current greens and surrounds exceed my beloved Wild Horse, as did Ceann Sibeal.  And many of you know that almost chokes me to say.  That Dingle thread will have to wait.  For those of you procrastinating whether to make the trip to Ireland, I say run, don't walk to the airport!  ;)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 05:12:01 AM by RJ_Daley »
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.

Brett Hochstein

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2015, 02:15:59 PM »
Hello all.  I just don't have the time to organize more comments and pictures now.  But I will mention that there are plans for another remodel be Hawtree.  A site concept drawing is in the clubhouse foyer of  a plan th eliminate holes1 and 18, making them ptactice ground, combining a few holes (perhaps using 13 with adjacent hole corridor for a long 4 par or 5).  The expansion then goes out into the land NE towards the water.

That land is pretty captivating over there.  I remember taking a bunch of pictures of it from the 11th green--wonderfully natural with exposed sand present.  Interested to see what they try to make of it as there is a lot of potential.

I really loved Dooks and had a great calm day for it last December.  It isn't really outstanding; it is just a really pleasant place to play some links golf.  The views, the colors, and the texture of the vegetation all contribute.  I was left wishing there were more greens with the originality of the 10th.  As it was, it felt like there was a bit of Hawtree-induced sameness to most greens.  (Fairly square, separated into quadrants, set slightly elevated in small dunes)  They were good and enjoyable, but it makes me wonder what sort of quirk and interest was present before.  If I had to put a DS number on it, it's a 6 or 7 from me, and I would absolutely recommend a visit. Great value, too.
"From now on, ask yourself, after every round, if you have more energy than before you began.  'Tis much more important than the score, Michael, much more important than the score."     --John Stark - 'To the Linksland'

Brett Hochstein

Re: Delightful Dooks.
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2015, 06:37:08 PM »
Tom and Masa gave Dooks fives.  Interestingly, tom, who hadn't seen it since the modifications, hopedthat the 13th green wasn't changed.I really like the course, but it isn't in the same league as Ballybunion.  I'd give it a five or six.  I certainly like it better than Waterville.

Tom's review in the Confidential Guide was based on the old course as he hadn't been back since the renovations. I can't remember the score but 7.5 to 8 is a bit optimistic!

Dooks on a great day is just about the loveliest spot on the planet. The scenery is out of this world and I'm envious that you got to experience it on such a day. If you are scoring it as an 8 on the Doak scale then I think you are (naturally) influenced by the weather / location / scenery. I had a really bad experience and I went the other way in actively seeking out faults and generally being a bit harsh. I personally would go with a 6 - it is a good course in a great setting.,61641.msg1464600.html#msg1464600

Also, don't get me started again on the changes to the 13th green which are nothing short of disgraceful.

I had never seen the original 13th until reviewing your gallery, but I certainly would have remembered it as opposed to having to look through my own archives for comparison.  Not only was the older version unique and compelling, but it sat on that ridge so naturally.  That's not even including the awesome backdrop and clean horizon line it had.  Why you would clutter that up with mounding is beyond me. 
"From now on, ask yourself, after every round, if you have more energy than before you began.  'Tis much more important than the score, Michael, much more important than the score."     --John Stark - 'To the Linksland'
