I may have played Dooks on Irelands most lovely day of the year, yesterday. I didn't mind there was little wind. I don't remember what Tom D., Massi and Rans consensus rating was, but I would be shocked if it wasn't at least 7.5 to 8.
I just can't get any serious typing done on this tablet, nor get phnotos up to a host sight at this point. That may have wait a while. I'd like to inject them here when I get organized later.
Until then, if any of the GCA.com community have Dooks thoughts, have at it.
I thought the course had it all, from excellent hazard/bunker array, to craftsmanship of maintenance of those bunkers, nice yet proportional greens size, contouring, speed on the fescue with barely descernable transition from fairway, collar-surrounds. The views, though not a part of the ground architecture, still are complimented with the course tie-ins of sigbt features and back drop.
This course famously is the "course by committee design" documented by Phinney and Whitely. I say without reservation, it works!

A few fun blind shots, some satisfying speed slot slopes through FWs, some nice moguls for varied lies, bunkers cut in opportune funky little natural dune and poof nobs, greens sighted perfectly. If there was much or any earth moved, you stumped me where and how much except possible minor shaping to define or melt down or piece up isolated areas of green surrounds.
The fescue throughout was very healthy and though areated recently, played well.
Dooks is a course that one could comfortably play everyday witnout growing weary or feel it is too intense to have a steady diet of, as I find some of the highly rated courses I have played. Dooks would keep you sharp, and happy on a consistent basis, all day, everyday.